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Everything posted by GreenBoi

  1. hi doxx

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Doxxmedearly


      throwback to the time you asked me if my name was doxx me dearly or doxx med early

    3. GreenBoi



    4. Doxxmedearly


      it's DOX XME DE ARLY you FOOL

  2. Paranoia isn't in Secret rotation period. It hasn't been voted in months, until last round.
  3. I love you, Garn.

  4. Can it last for one or two days instead of three, though...
  5. I don't understand this. You can't have xenos be the same strength as humans, that makes things boring mechanically and flavor-wise. Sometimes I want an unequal fight so I have to actually think more to take the person down, and in a game where we already have to do the same shit over and over again without getting bored and trying to spice things up so we don't all quit, unequal fights are healthy and means multiple strategies, which means getting bored less. Besides that, I'm still going to repeat this: Ta are not OP at all. Vaurcae are not OP, they have a few helpful traits, but that means nothing. You shouldn't expect to easily kill a Ta with a fucking crowbar, and they are easy to land shots on given how big they are in comparison to human sprites. I don't see the point of playing a roleplaying game if the things from the lore or whatever that are big advantages don't have any mechanical representation. Imagine if an IPC could feel pain, or if Aut'akh didn't have integrated tools in their augments, it'd be a massive hole in representation.
  6. But this is a game, not having any mechanical representation of something makes it down to pure rp, and since we are on a game platform, we have the ability to actually make the rp we imagine in our heads be real and hard to avoid with godmodding and shit like that. Ta are not OP at all, their main 'strength' is their roleplay ability to command vaurcae and that's it.
  7. Raiders and Mercs can use radios. Why do people keep thinking they're locked to the default frequency?
  8. I'm going to ignore comments about Ta being big and scary because Ta are usually 9-11ft, which is big, yeah, but then you remember there's been tanks that run through the station and Warforms, which are almost twice as large as a Ta (15-17ft). Sure, Ta are big and scary and shit, but the Aurora is a research station, seeing big aliens should be a norm, and Breeders fit the role perfectly given that they are born more socially-knowledgeable than any other caste. Making the Vaurca Consular a random Ka with one or two Za guards would do nothing because each Ka from a Hive is already, in a way, representing their Hive. Ka and such are too busy working, which is what they are tasked with normally. A Ta is respected more among all vaurcae (you will rarely see a vaurca insult a breeder from another hive on hivenet, everyone knows it'd be a dumb move, unlike insulting a normal Ka), and like I said earlier, they are basically born social, given that they must birth and command their own batch of vaurcae too. With that said, I will use the rest of this post to reply to JK's comment. Vaurcae are not OP or really that strong, infact, I'd say they are the weakest species. I will repeat this until I die. When you are unwhitelisted and hear what vaurcae have, you think it is insane and that they should be nerfed. Once you actually play vaurcae, they are the worst species for combat. If they don't have blinders, you can easily blind them, they can't self-regenerate damage, and the only thing that stops their bleeding is k'ois or some form of bandage, whether it be ghetto or normal. They also take twice as much toxins, both Workers and Warriors take 50% and 20% extra burn damage respectively, and there's also the fact people are less willing to save a vaurca in general. Their Hivenet can help for them to help eachother, but...AIs and Borgs can read Hivenet messages, so you can't really plot much with any AI that's actually reading chat because they can report super suspicious shit to Security or Command. And while vaurcae can relay shit to others, that doesn't mean much because you can easily plot around that. Don't say any sensitive shit about your plans to the bug, and just be smart about not telling them much of anything. Plan around these traits, Vaurcae are the only real race that have this anyways. And yes, I know that IPCs also don't self-regenerate, are EVA-proof (in some circumstances without a cooler, but all circumstances with one), and can be memed with flashes, but they can't bleed at all, nanopaste is super-tricord to them, and they can't fucking feel pain or need to care about sympathy. But why WOULD you fucking try to fight an 8ft tall bug in Security with mandibles capable of biting your head off? If you find it concerning, stay out of melee range if they're bigger than you because that'd be tactically worse icly if you didn't. Ta are locked behind two whitelists, one of which is a whitelist for an alien species played by few people. Most vaurcae you see on manifest are from the same few people who just like the species or characters or just people whom have had the whitelist for a long time, unlike every other species except dionaea, vaurcae doesn't get waves or floods of apps. So this really won't be a problem, we won't ever need 3 fucking whitelists for one type of job, an alt-title, no less.
  9. Hello, I played HEPH-MOVER 345 the Heister helping out with the gimmick by talking to IPCs and being the muscle with very good, but sadly not ion-proof armor. This was the second time ever I was playing an IPC in custody from Jesse, who was basically nuggetified (had all limbs removed), but this time they wanted my brain extracted. I can't say much for the original QM escapades part of this, but I did see the entirety of the situation where Zolzali got batoned. Alright, now here's the stuff about the IPC-debraining thing For the thing about Zolzali getting baton'd. What I saw was a mix of reasonable and slightly unreasonable things. Zolzali didn't do much except try to give me prosthetics and I think Armstrong rushed a bit too fast on beating them up and shooting an ion (which would be incredibly painful thing for Aut'akh, even with it set to Safe). When I say too fast, I mean as in, as soon as Armstrong saw Zolzali try to cut off a limb stump to add new prosthetics to me, they baton'd, cuffed, threw them across the room in an instant instead of having a stern talk with them (given that it was now only code blue and while security could still look for any stowaway intruders, they were less in a hurry than before). I'm not really going to give a full opinion on either these, just saying things from my experience of one situation.
  10. Don't change it. This is a safety net so a raider doesn't accidentally spill everything over Common because they don't know the channel key is :X
  11. Holy shit, that sounds fun to constrict yourself like that. I usually follow typical hypnosis shit irl where, I don't tell the person how hypnosis really works, because the more you understand hypnosis, the less effective it is on you, as it's based on what you want to do. You usually cannot give them hypnotic statements that would conflict with their morals because all hypnosis does is make them hyper-focused, so you want to word it vaguely so they may partially do it and not at the same time.
  12. You're using a knife to get rid of pain-causing shrapnel while also causing a lot of pain in the process. It's pretty fine, plus it allows revs to have a better, faster way of getting rid of shrapnel than hoping the person understands ghetto surgery
  13. Can you stop quoting Garn from 4 years ago.
  14. I can actually support Menown's statement mainly because of the fact that not only do vaurca apps usually get jackshit in the review department from other players, but there was also another app just a couple hours earlier and there were no comments. With the actual application, I find it to be fine for a backstory and character concept. My only issue is the fact that the 'different from playing a human' feels lacking, and slightly centered on Xetl's brood. I know some points like phoron and k'ois dependancy is pretty obvious, but there's also other notations like being able to die probably easier than any other species, the fact that if you're playing a drone that you don't have to listen to anyone else unless it would kill you or hurt your hive and such. This comment probably sounds a little harsh, but I do believe in this application, and the concept. Just make sure that it doesn't look like your vaurca has just one personality trait because of its brood and segway in sidestuff other than the fascination about hands.
  15. Ironic, I was just about to give feedback I think Bygone can easily, and correctly use their Command Whitelist. In dchat, icly, oocly, and on several discords, they've shown their understanding and expectation of vaurcae. His character list is almost made entirely out of vaurcae so I think it'd be hard to say he's just in it for the mechanics and power when he's: 1) the vaurca loredev, and 2) plays mainly vaurcae (who can't be heads of staff period, so you can't abuse anything with that). I think Bygone has a better OOC understanding of how to play Command even as a non-vaurca that is better than some other whitelistees I've seen. They have also played antagonist a decent amount of times, so you can trust them to know what to let antags have leeway with and how to restrain themselves.
  16. I'm gonna go super analytical and up front about this. You've been permabanned twice now and have only recently come back. I am skeptical of thinking you are ready for something like Command given how easily they can not only fuck over antags, but also fuck over people's rounds in general, even on Extended. I'll default to giving the benefit of the doubt since people try to improve. I hearing from multiple people in a Mercenary round that you played a, now deleted, character called Trey Lacon who was a janitor that ran up the heavily armed mercs and sucker punched them while yelling "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" like some maniac. I didn't witness this nor could I find the logs as a ghost so I can't say much other than noting this. I'm going to say two or three hypotheticals that might be a thing you experience ICly if these antag rounds happen if you get a trial. I'm asking these because sometimes situations like these happen and some whitelistees seem to forget how much of a presence they have. First: A cyborg states law 0 on Engineering, Common, or infront of you. What would you do, as a CE or Command in general? Second: A malf AI is threatening to delam the SM if you break any more of its cams. You could prevent this by just smashing all the cams around the engine so it can't remotely access it, but you also don't know where any of its borgs are
  17. Most of the time, Cargo sends this about 20-30 minutes into the shift, when researchers are usually DONE with RnD. Also, the warehouse is rng, some shifts you might get nanopaste to spawn in the warehouse, other shifts you get nothing. This doesn't really fix the problems people have with RnD and feels like a strange and underdeveloped excuse.
  18. If I remember correctly, cutting the camera wire still makes an alarm, it's just that it doesn't make much of a noise to people around you. You're better off breaking cameras if you have something to hide in once they check or if you can go inviisble right after.
  19. Actually, putting your antag code in the PDA doesn't actually leave the code there. If it does, you made a typo. Also, I recommend just stealing an ENCRYPTION KEY from a security headset. That way, you can pop it into your normal headset and not seem suspicious. If you have two Encryption Keys already in there, remove the 'Standard Encryption Key', it mechanically does nothing as Common (145.9) and Entertainment (146.1) are public, non-encrypted frequencies.
  20. That's the point. You still need to wait for materials, so having access to decent levels doesn't mean anything bad or powergamey. But it DOES mean Robotics can at least make starter mechs if they need to, or have something miscellaneous like a Portable Integrated Circuit Printer made.
  21. Research is annoying. It's a tedious, uninteresting process that's more of a chore than anything else. All you're doing is sticking shit inside a machine and clicking a button over a hundred times. RnD should start with levels like this: This is ripped straight off the google doc from the Guide to RnD page on the wiki. Some of the levels might have been changed to be more powerful, I have no idea how old that google doc is. Counter-Counter-Arguments "Having to spend time researching at the start of the round is important and prevents powergaming!" Any good researcher can reach optimal levels within 15 minutes, I can do it in 20 by going off a mental list. This doesn't really do much and by the time a researcher is done, there's little downtime from the first mining shipment, which usually contains a bit of phoron and some gold, even uranium sometimes, that's more than enough for printing anything actually dangerous. "It gives Science something to actually do" Researching the current way is and always will be a chore. It's not fun, and it takes incredibly long if you don't know that super cool meta list everyone uses. Also, Science has other goodies to experiment with, including, but probably not limited to: KA Testing (They can use their xenoarch access or get the RD to give them the superior telecomms voidsuits) Prototype Gun Builds Testing (Like KAs but they can use these when traitors and reliably too) Circuits (you can make a lot of utility and useful stuff with this if you do enough trial and error)
  22. Yes. I don't even know why we got rid of it, it's good for checking to see if someone moved from one place to another, or if they take big trips, etc.
  23. This won't work unfortunately. Too many small, pedantic rules for a SINGLE module to follow. It'd make secborg dumb and not fun, and be a headache to monitor for staff.
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