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Everything posted by CampinKiller

  1. Unfortunately it would be necessary to stay consistent with the current lore, which is yet another negative to the suggestion, in my eyes. Additionally, I don't like the idea that we can always just remove whitelists - that's the same argument that kept malf in for forever, was that we could just antag ban bad malf AIs, or strip them of their AI whitelist. I would much rather there not be the opportunity for the behavior that I believe would occur to exist, and the solution to be just to start stripping whitelists. I think the key difference here though is that the Captain is THE Captain. They are in charge of the ship, so of course they can trample over the other heads of staff, and they have more of an authority to do so in the setting and regulations because they are THE leader of the ship. Making the XO above the other heads is basically saying that this person who is probably not as experienced, who doesn't have the same requirements as the Captain, and who is otherwise just a head of staff has the same authority as the Captain in regards to everyone - and that simply does not make sense. I also submit that XO isn't an utterly worthless role - between the personnel aspects and managing the bridge/Intrepid/navigation/ship combat, I'd say it's far from worthless.
  2. If we renamed them I’d say go with bridge officer. As much as y’all are saying “well they have a whitelist” or that they won’t have actual authority unless the Captain is dead or they agree with the Captain, those don’t assuage my concerns at all. There are already, currently, XOs who will butt into the security channel with backseating. Imagine how that would be if they were officially ranked above the HoS? Additionally, let’s imagine for a moment this does come to pass. The OM says he is telling his miners to go to X. The XO pops in and says no, X is not acceptable, you will go to Y. Since the XO doesn’t have the authority unless the Captain agrees, now there is either an argument until the Captain cuts in (if there even is a Captain, then it will just be an argument) or the Captain is going to be disturbed 50 times a round to determine if this is “what he wants” or not
  3. I have never seen the XO as the second in command, even unofficially. I think the cons of elevating one head over the others vastly outweigh the pros. Allowing one head role authority over others will cause a behavior creep that we saw back when the HoP was considered 2nd in command at all times; that is, the XO is going to start stepping on other heads and telling them what to do when it is not warranted. Similar to the discussion about not wanting the Command Advisor to backseat the command staff, I myself do not want to be backseated by an XO when I am playing a head.
  4. I personally do not like the idea of elevating any head of staff above the rest. Back in the days of the HoP being the actual second in command, it was rarely conducive to good command coordination/play. EDIT: It would also potentially lead to a creep of XOs stepping on other heads' business and responsibilities, and using being the second in command as justification.
  5. Basic Information Byond Account: CampinKiller Character Name(s): Logan Wright, Connor Wilson, Jackson Zhao, Kija-37 are my active ones AI Name(s): N/A Discord username + tag: CampinKiller#4205 Age: 25 Timezone: CST (GMT-6) When are you on Aurora?: Typically anytime between 1100-1800 CST during the week, weekend varies but is generally the same times Experience How long have you played SS13?: 9-10 years How long have you played on Aurora: Since late 2014/early 2015 How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I've played most jobs over the years, so I would say I'm generally well versed in at least the basics for most departments Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Yes, I was a admin/head moderator on CM sometime around 2015-16 Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: Yes Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No Personality Why do you play SS13?: I play SS13 because it's a unique game, with unique mechanics, and a fun setting. It has the ability to have all the players contribute to a really interesting and fun story, and some of my favorite gaming moments have been from rounds of SS13 I've played. Why do you play on Aurora?: I play on Aurora because I've always enjoyed the server and the community, as well as because it is the best (if not only) HRP server available for SS13. The background and constant development makes it very interesting and keeps it fresh as well. What do moderators do?: Moderators ensure that rules are being followed and the game isn't disrupted on both an IC and OOC level (ie. someone flooding the halls with phoron randomly or spamming slurs in OOC). They also help players when they have questions about mechanics, lore, etc. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: I would say that it means that you do the above, but also are generally a respected member of of the community, and actively involved in the community. You should be willing to help new players to the game and/or HRP servers, and generally should be even tempered. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to be able to help out with the server and continue to make it a great place to play and community to be a part of. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I think that I'm generally a level-headed and laid back person, and can look at issues that may come up from an objective standpoint. I think I have been around the community long enough to know what everyone's expectations are for the community/server and would be able to uphold those. I also feel like I am a good communicator. I've been a sports official for over half of my life, and I've really learned how to communicate with people, make judgements, and handle emotions very well. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I feel like I handle these things well. As I said above, I've been a sports official since I was 12, so I feel I have learned to control my emotions well, and have taken my share of verbal abuse as well. In general I try to ignore it or laugh at it to myself. With the game, if I ever find myself getting emotional or angry with a situation, I step back and remind myself that this is a game, take a breath, and move on. Regarding stress, I also feel that I handle it very well (I main HoS for God's sake), and if I ever do start feeling quite stressed, I remove myself from the situation when possible. Anything Else You Want to Add:
  6. Reporting Personnel: Logan Wright Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security Game ID: cmm-cJgM Personnel Involved: David MacLeod, Bartender, Offender Cyrus Mueller, Security Officer, Witness Tsisana Caladius, Xenoarcheologist, Witness Secondary Witnesses: N/A Time of Incident: Real Time: 1330 CST, Feb 13 Location of Incident: Kitchen, Deck 3 Showers Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [X] - Misconduct [X] - Other: Suicide Attempt Overview of the Incident: Security was called to the kitchen by Miss Caladius as Mr. MacLeod was drunk, brandishing a knife, and asking for the chef. He ran off before security arrived, and we began to search for him. He stated he was "doing something" over the radio, and refused to divulge his location. As the ship exited from its bluespace jump, Mr. MacLeod stated he was in the shower. I arrived to the showers at Deck 3, finding it covered in blood. Mr. MacLeod was cutting himself with a knife in his drunken state, demanded to be left alone, and resisted my efforts to restrain him. I eventually managed to restrain him and call for medical assistance, as well as render first aid with Officer Mueller. Submitted Evidence: None Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [ ] - Yes [X] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: I was the only head of staff on duty at the time Actions taken: No actions were able to be taken as a result of him not being found until after jump, and undergoing a medical emergency. Additional Notes: N/A
  7. Faye poisoned the water supply, burned my crops, and delivered a plague unto my house
  8. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, please dial goolie's number for help 

    1. goolie


      I charge by the hour

  9. Hep was a consistently solid command player in the past, and I have no doubts she will be if she gets her whitelist back. I think she has proven that her attitude has changed, and she should get a whitelist again. +1
  10. throws schev off a balcony in anger at video games

  11. Yeah, but the difference between those and walking into an elevator shaft is that it’s very difficult to just accidentally yourself into that position, whereas being shot in the head can be an RNG thing
  12. I don’t know why being crushed by a massive elevator shouldnt result in instant death, to be honest
  13. L+ratio+hahahehehoho
  14. (derogatory) ChevyChevron

  15. Seconded, I literally have no clue what has happened this arc
  16. I should clarify I meant that they grew to resent the work environment, not their work specifically. However, they came to this conclusion because, while at first they had no response to any of the commentary that might get directed towards them, eventually they saw one of their supervisors tell some people to knock if off, and made the connection that the behavior was not correct. While Kija maintained focus on its work, the resentment was a byproduct of many "incorrect" occurrences in the hyper-competitive environment of the Canis Minor.
  17. In terms of how IPCs behave differently, they are robotic in nature, and take analysis, calculations, and cause/effect into consideration when deciding on a course of action, how to respond to events that are occurring, etc. This means that although they can, to some degree, emulate human behavior/emotion, in the end, they will not be able to completely mimic those, and will rely on the cause/effect, calculations, etc. to determine the "proper" reaction. I think the best way to sum it up is that they are generally more "precise" in the sense that their behavior is carefully determined with the methods I mentioned. Kija is mainly focused on doing their job first and foremost, and behaves in that kind of manner. They have the typical social programming for a sort of "crisis" role if you will, able to provide some level of empathy/comfort to people in distress, are generally pleasant to co-workers, and will cultivate professional relationships with them. While they can dislike various circumstances that may come about, they will typically attempt to find the best path forward where they just deal with it and move on, or otherwise (such as in the backstory) find an alternative solution, if that solution would lead to a more preferential outcome.
  18. BYOND Key: CampinKiller Character Names: Active: Logan Wright Jackson Zhao Connor Wilson Full List: Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/A Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've long said that I didn't really have much interest in playing other species, save for IPCs. IPCs are in a very unique position in the Auroraverse, where they aren't exactly drones with no rights, but they also are not free and on the same level as organic species. I think this makes them interesting from a character perspective, and being able to explore that is what makes me want to play IPC. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: As I referenced above, they are in a unique position where they are essentially 2nd class beings, when compared to humans. Even in Tau Ceti, where synthetics can have citizenship and be, essentially, free, there is still heavy discrimination towards IPCs. The very question of whether or not IPCs are sentient beings, or just complicated computer programming, is a heated debate among various human cultures, with outcomes ranging from soulless automatons to a higher plane of existence that humanity should strive towards. This allows for a wide range of potential roleplay interactions with other characters and different backgrounds for IPC characters. Character Name: Kija-37 Please provide a short backstory for this character: Kija-37 is the 37th positronic assembled by the Terraneus Diagnostics facilities in January 2463. While initially scheduled for sale to an outside party, the party unexpectedly cancelled the purchase, and Kija-37 was in limbo for a short time until they were sold at a discount to NanoTrasen. Kija's original role was designed to be in the medical field as a physician, but with the sale to NanoTrasen, Kija was retrofitted to instead be a responder role on one of its stations, the NSS Canis Minor in Tau Ceti. Kija was met with the realities of life in the Spur as a synthetic, even in Tau Ceti, on the Canis Minor, with those less sympathetic towards synthetics showing their distaste, especially the medical students. Kija grew to resent their work on the Canis Minor, given the wide variety of treatment it received from those who look down upon synthetics in general. Unfortunately, they were unable to seek a transfer to a different posting, given corporate policy, and instead had to wait patiently for a reassignment to a post that needed bodies. They finally got this opportunity when they were given notice they would be reassigned to the SCCV Horizon in a week, and to prepare the few belongings they may have for transfer. What do you like about this character? I like that the character is in a position where they are not necessarily going to be liked or accepted by everyone, and they know it. Having come from a place where they were not necessarily accepted by all, and seen as lesser by many medical students in Tau Ceti, the prospect of playing a character that is going to have to deal with that sort of distrust and behavior/attitudes from other characters seems pretty interesting to me, especially seeing how a character would develop in such circumstances. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would rate my roleplay ability to be good. I'm not going to sit here and say I'm an amazing, 10/10 roleplayer, but over the years I feel that I have learned how to roleplay will, and respond to in game situations with characters of various viewpoints and background. Notes: None
  19. I am indifferent to their removal, but I unironically want to know when you last played before coming here and defending borgs so hard.
  20. Yeah basically what the title says, except I don't know how to spell sanasonium(?). It should be limited for mercs at the very least to no more than 1 per uplink, though I would go so far as to say it shouldn't be in the merc uplink at all, but rather a limited amount they spawn with (2-3). Pretty sure this is already being looked at after the round earlier today, but suffice to say allowing offstations like mercs access to a nearly endless supply of the equivalent of quick revive is not balanced.
  21. Yeah, it happens enough already from time to time where other command try and backseat other command. Adding this would just make it official
  22. There isn't, unless I've never been invited in years of playing command. Also, I am typically busy on the weekends, so for me to have to either A. Commit to 4-5 weeks of wedging in a 3 hour timeslot for an event because I was (un)lucky enough to be chosen to be event command, or B. Not get to play the arc as my character (in their normal role) at all because someone else rolled for HoS on event 1 would simply be ridiculous. You'd be locking players out of their roles/characters for a very poor reason, and opening it up to a whole host of issues (favoritism, people being unavailable last minute, etc.). Also, Triogenix posted updates after the significant events that command players would ICly know, so it's not like people were not aware. While I'm not saying this is/isn't what happened, or anyone wasn't entitled to their opinions, the was the first time that heavy of demands had been made, and the 2nd time they demanded more payment. Not exactly like this had gone on for a very long time. I disagree - their effect is still being felt right now, as a CCIA investigation continues, Linton was only arrested 2-3 days ago, and there's still the pending outcomes for several characters facing consequences for their actions. Are we not entitled to our opinions based on what we play? Frankly, the "issue" of events focusing on command and security more often than not is because that is how the ship, roles, HRP, etc. are set up. Sure, some things could probably be done to involve others, but anything that happens on the ship is going to involve command at a minimum. Security typically gets involved because a lot of times they involve high-profile people, some amount of violence, investigations, etc. I'm sorry, but a high intensity event is going to most likely involve security and command, because it wouldn't make much sense for your local hangar tech to fight the Elyrans or FSF. I feel like people were involved just by being on the ship. Take the event I liked the least, the Caravaggio's armament being directed at the Horizon, you had engineering make a damage control area, people were deeply affected by the threat, some were even antagonizing the FSF. Every event cannot directly involve every member of the crew, though. To be honest, if you're playing as say, a chef, I don't know what you expect though.
  23. I liked that the arc gave the crew an ability to actually determine where it went. I feel like some of the criticism of the arc having no direction is because the crew took that freedom, and essentially chose the weirdest, and most unexpected options. Take the event where the SFA captured and killed the FSF CO and XO. Security surrendered without a fight, and basically allowed the SFA to do as they pleased, despite it having been noted that the SFA team would've been easy to defeat. Then they wait until the SFA has killed the two people in charge of protecting them, and finally fight back, and steal phoron from the SFA. It baffles me that people are still surprised at the FSF being upset by that, though I do agree that the subsequent event could have been handled in a much better manner, than the railroaded "fuck around and find out" option. Even with the final event, multiple people on the lore team can speak to not remotely expecting the outcome in the slightest. And it's certainly having an effect - at least one character has been arrested, and I'd be shocked if at least 2-3 more are not gone for good, and these are not characters that have been played once or twice. Overall, even though I only got to play one of the events, I think the arc was good, provided the crew with the freedom to choose what happens instead of getting railroaded (mostly), has set up some future things for the Horizon (guns??), and is going to have lasting effects on the crew and the ship as a result. Having read the summaries, I don't really think anyone was portraying it all as wrong to occur OOC'ly. At least it read to me as just an objective recounting of events, and even the IC summary kept things strictly to the facts. It might sound bad, but yes, disobeying the orders of a Captain and installing an off-duty one in his place is mutiny according to the regulations, so to describe it as one OOC'ly isn't saying it was wrong, so much as it is what happened.
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