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Everything posted by Butterrobber202

  1. What can get coded works for me.
  2. Simple as title. Prevents Sec from using disposable Xion Shell Officers.
  3. I'd like to think, HoP, Consular, Research Director, and Scientists could be have limb impairment without significant issues arising.
  4. I need an explanation on this one, it’s too good.
  5. The problem I'm complaining about stems from the fact security will use slugs regardless if they are facing those specific armors or not, the unarmored vampire is just as likely to catch a slug as a heavily armored syndicate operative.
  6. what else are you using shotgun slugs for besides executing antags?
  7. hi menown, how are you?
  8. Add a handful of slugs to the uplink for 1 TC.
  9. Credits are literally no consequence mechanically, Security would just order them in bulk.
  10. Slugs are exclusively used by Security to execute antags that start acting up. They are way to powerful to be a go-to option. Not to mention Security is 100% willing to tell Cargo Techs to hack their lathe to get them. Furthermore, there is no real counter to this either. Because if you destroy the Cargo Lathe, you also need to have destroyed research and stolen the board from tech storage or security will have their arms factory restored in less than a minute.
  11. Off-station antags really should start with all brands of insulated, or some kind of unique antag-only one size fits all set.
  12. Agreeing with Carver. The E-Mag is the "fuck you" to the long-way, and is an item you use when you are in a rush and don't have the time to handle the more time consuming path. It's the same argument between hacking an airlock open versus emaging it open.
  13. Yonni literally places a Shell, can we ban him on those grounds?
  14. The problem with non-combat antag shenanigans is that antags do them and then like 3-5 people show up and the antags don't really feel like they accomplished anything.
  15. Straight from Wiki Town on the Detective Bit: "Detectives are allowed to detain a suspect if they directly witness an infraction, but it is still wise to summon security, given that there is no immediate threat to the station or crew."
  16. I think Malf can work in conjunction with other gamemodes, and I've participated in fun gimmicks where the Malf and Ninjas coordinate, a few bad apples shouldn't spoil the bunch.
  17. stop making weapons for security then
  18. I usually wear the vest 24/7, it’s the helmet I swap in and out.
  19. I really feel Loner should be the replacement.
  20. Once I was a big fan of wizard, but now that I'm cultured :tm:, I have to say I'm pretty much all in favor for removing Wizard from the rotation, it's an out of place gamemode that can easily be substituted with Loner in most cases. Most Wizard gimmicks make me want to blow my brains out.
  21. I don't like the color scheme on the ERT suits. These look like Standard NT Voidsuits someone put colored tape on, the biggest offender is the S-ERT RIG, the Blue + Red + Green just doesn't look right, the colors don't mix well. Additionally the Chest armor just looks odd to me, it's just a vertical strip of armor? It doesn't actually look like a chestplate. It might just be my perspective, since we don't have any side facing reference pics. Military RIG looks fine though, and I like it quite a bit. I'm not sure why it's purple tinted, but sure.
  22. Alright, Detgun down look pretty phenomenal. I really like the XRAYs as well. im still not sold on the white aesthetic, but the new Ballistic icons balance it out and more.
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