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[2 Dismissals: Archived] Apply Job Restriction just like Name-Change Restriction


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Restrict characters to a single department, so admins can easier see when people job-hop. If you want to change your character's department (just like if you wanted to change their name), you must contact an Administrator.

It's tiring seeing MDs who 'bartenders on their time off from medical' or 'Roboticists who also warden' or the many other mixes we see.


Nope. Nope. This, in my opinion, is an absolutely terrible idea. Yes. Warden/roboticist is bad. Engineer/chemist is bad. AHELP IT! We have administrators for things like that! There is nothing wrong with a character bartendering, or cargo teching, or cooking when their department is full, or the player wants a change of pace. They are, after all, unskilled jobs, and I don't want to have to jump through hoops or make new chars to play them.


I don't like this. Many characters don't even find a home for a while, and their players hop around until they find something to make canon for them. There are also instances in which moving positions makes some sense, or when a position is so popular that it affects characters trying to join the round.

Egregious examples should be called out and reviewed, but enforcing it with mechanics feels like overkill, and reinforces a behavior of administration-by-coding that I already complain loudly about and annoy everyone with. Better to stretch believability than to hyper-enforce in this particular case. It can always be dialed back if it's proven to be too much via character complaints and etc..


You select a Branch in the Job Menu, and your character is sealed to those jobs within the branch.

Branch Civ: Cargo Roles, 'Crew' Roles (Chef, Assistant, Bartender, etc.) (Head Included)

Branch Sec: Sec Roles (Head Included)

Branch Med: Med Roles (Head Included)

Branch Engi: Engi Roles (Head Included)

Branch Sci: Scientist Roles (Head Included)

Branch Command (Unique): All Players with Whitelist + Required Branch (Captain/IAA Command Whitelist Restricted Only)

This Means a Branch Civ Character that gets a Head Whitelist can go HoP, Captain, and IAA.

A Character in the Med Branch with a Head Whitelist can go CMO, Captain, and IAA.

6 Day Cooldown before it goes into effect to find the Job that the character is best suited for.

This also could be paired with the Eco Update.


I agree with the other points against this proposal. I must also admit, I was a person who had their chars jumping around departments when I was new. I know one of my chars worked at least 3 different departments as I was figuring out the general controls and feel of the server. As time went on I put them in their departments. However, I have in the last few months had a character move from mining to engineering. This was done with character development as well as asking staff if this was fine. I say ahelp if it's that big of problem.

I like [mention]Butterrobber202[/mention] 's idea. Though I feel 6 days still might be too soon. Overall I like the idea of locking people more into a branch of jobs. Still though, I'd imagine that would be restrictive to people who have skills in a primary job: Engineering/Medical and secondary jobs: Botany/Cooking. While I like the idea I think it could use a little work and more discussion.


It's tiring seeing MDs who 'bartenders on their time off from medical'

Ironically, I know of an administrator's character who does this.

But seriously though, I don't support this at all. It seems unnecessary.


No, no, and absolutely no.

This is a preventative measure that unnecessarily restricts players in a way that will make the game less enjoyable.

If someone is jobhopping, report it to us, and we will investigate it. If a character has certifications for multiple jobs, it is not an IC or OOC issue.


No, no, and absolutely no.

This is a preventative measure that unnecessarily restricts players in a way that will make the game less enjoyable.

If someone is jobhopping, report it to us, and we will investigate it. If a character has certifications for multiple jobs, it is not an IC or OOC issue.


I disagree. If you WANT to play bartender - MAKE A BARTENDER. Why are 'you' taking up the Bartender slot as your professionally educated character, instead of letting an actual Bartender character take it?

I like the idea that another presented of having a day-time limit of being able to jobhop until you lock in.


You select a Branch in the Job Menu, and your character is sealed to those jobs within the branch.

Branch Civ: Cargo Roles, 'Crew' Roles (Chef, Assistant, Bartender, etc.) (Head Included)

Branch Sec: Sec Roles (Head Included)

Branch Med: Med Roles (Head Included)

Branch Engi: Engi Roles (Head Included)

Branch Sci: Scientist Roles (Head Included)

Branch Command (Unique): All Players with Whitelist + Required Branch (Captain/IAA Command Whitelist Restricted Only)

This Means a Branch Civ Character that gets a Head Whitelist can go HoP, Captain, and IAA.

A Character in the Med Branch with a Head Whitelist can go CMO, Captain, and IAA.

6 Day Cooldown before it goes into effect to find the Job that the character is best suited for.

This also could be paired with the Eco Update.




There's no reason for this.

If there's an actual issue, you report it to the admins. That's all. This is unnecessary.


No, no, and absolutely no.

This is a preventative measure that unnecessarily restricts players in a way that will make the game less enjoyable.

If someone is jobhopping, report it to us, and we will investigate it. If a character has certifications for multiple jobs, it is not an IC or OOC issue.


I disagree. If you WANT to play bartender - MAKE A BARTENDER. Why are 'you' taking up the Bartender slot as your professionally educated character, instead of letting an actual Bartender character take it?

I like the idea that another presented of having a day-time limit of being able to jobhop until you lock in.


Characters are not their jobs. They are characters. If someone wants to play as a bartender, and their character is qualified, they can do so. They are not "taking up the slot," by any means - if you have a character that is confined to a single slot job, you do so understanding that you will not always get that slot.


Good lord no. This feels like it would utterly butcher any sort of fun. I play a combat engineer. So naturally I play in security. When ever security is filled I either play a journalist or a bartender. With this I'd be forced to literally spectate a entire round when the game throws me out for having a Warden+Officer slot filled. This will make the game boring and make people miss out on rounds.


Good lord no. This feels like it would utterly butcher any sort of fun. I play a combat engineer. So naturally I play in security. When ever security is filled I either play a journalist or a bartender. With this I'd be forced to literally spectate a entire round when the game throws me out for having a Warden+Officer slot filled. This will make the game boring and make people miss out on rounds.


It almost sounds like you're overqualified.


We're not applying an in-game restriction through mechanics. This is a heavy-handed solution to a not-very-complex problem.

Effort would be better spent shooting adminhelps over jobhoppers instead of tightening our grip on the whole by restricting every single character to their assigned job role and nothing else. That's not good design whatsoever.


Good lord no. This feels like it would utterly butcher any sort of fun. I play a combat engineer. So naturally I play in security. When ever security is filled I either play a journalist or a bartender. With this I'd be forced to literally spectate a entire round when the game throws me out for having a Warden+Officer slot filled. This will make the game boring and make people miss out on rounds.


It almost sounds like you're overqualified.

Oh yes. Because if I know how to run a brig and build some fortfications and handles wires, there is no way in hell I would know how to operate a camera or use the newscaster (Which is apart of the Warden's job, actually. D-Class notices and all.) or how to pour drinks for people. Good lord, you know some people have multiple jobs? I've heard plenty of people working as bartenders in their free time or becoming a armature journalist.


I agree with Schev, this seems heavy handed and unnecessary.

I would wager that if you ahelped about any bartender doctors or roboticist wardens, admins would either forbid it or clear it, thus, why would the mechanic be needed?


I disagree. If you WANT to play bartender - MAKE A BARTENDER. Why are 'you' taking up the Bartender slot as your professionally educated character, instead of letting an actual Bartender character take it?


I am sure it should be established whether or not it is actually bad (from the adminstration's point of view) for professional characters to be kicking back with a second job bartending/gardening/whatever before campaigning to lock it all down with mechanics.

Not that it matters because even if it was agreed that having a second job is terrible it could still be dealt with by ahelps.


No, no, and absolutely no.

This is a preventative measure that unnecessarily restricts players in a way that will make the game less enjoyable.

If someone is jobhopping, report it to us, and we will investigate it. If a character has certifications for multiple jobs, it is not an IC or OOC issue.


I disagree. If you WANT to play bartender - MAKE A BARTENDER. Why are 'you' taking up the Bartender slot as your professionally educated character, instead of letting an actual Bartender character take it?

I like the idea that another presented of having a day-time limit of being able to jobhop until you lock in.


Funny that the bartender position should be mentioned.

Whenever I used to play security as Kim (like, for 4 months in a row?), playing bartender was a great escape for me. I don't use visitor/assistant because I absoloutely hate doing nothing. So bartender was a great way to cool my jets for a bit, without wasting a security slot, while still having something concrete to do and RPs to get.

While "Muh realism" is a thing, you must also consider that this is a game. And players should still be allowed to have fun and, in our case, to also develop characters. If you're a livehour sec or medical player, for example, you are pretty SOL on the latter front if you don't jump ship to something menial like cargo tech or bartender. You're gonna have a bad time.

Idiotic character design (constant jobhopping five ever) is adminhelpable and will be curbed if the complaint is deemed valid. Otherwise, applying harsh regulations like this is butts. Even an n-day time to hop is ass, because of the case I outlined above. A case which I know for a fact used to apply for a good amount of security. Hard hands are not a great thing for things like this. I do have a bit of an idea on how to encourage departmental prioritization via the economy, but, that's not a subject for this thread.


I'd also like to point out that your concept of departments being self-contained is inherently flawed. The duties of a warden and HoP, for instance, share a lot of overlap. They do paperwork, process people (in different ways, mind, but it still involves taking their ID and filling out paperwork), and stand watch over a secure area (the brig/armory and the bridge). Both of them are even issued a self-defense sidearm of exactly the same type.

By implementing this idea, you would lock a character out of being a warden or HoP at different times, even though that is a largely valid job change. I could also make a parallel, though weaker, between xenobiologist and surgeon. The skills you need to do either job carry some overlap. It also seems vaguely plausible that a person who makes and tests out guns in research would end up knowing how to use them well enough to scrape by as a security officer (I'm also fairly certain that the implied education they go through to be a scientist would make knowing all the regulations largely trivial.)


A Head of Personnel should never be a Warden, that's a giant leap down in paygrade (sec is near bottom) and has a lot more information clearance than a Warden.


A Head of Personnel should never be a Warden, that's a giant leap down in paygrade (sec is near bottom) and has a lot more information clearance than a Warden.


It's weird to be saying this to someone else, but you've got a very restrictive viewpoint on how things should work. Given that right now, there is effectively no such thing as a paygrade or even financial longevity, that's a largely irrelevant argument. Maybe when economy is finished that might be a valid point, but right now, no one is 'paid' anything, beyond what they pretend they are paid with their imaginary money they were randomly assigned at round start.

As for information clearance, what are you talking about? If you're working as a warden, people just don't share command decisions and information with you. That's it. You don't somehow magically get access to the command channel because you usually work as a head of personnel and today you're taking over as a warden.

Even if we assume the security department is the lowest paid on the station, wardens and security officers have entirely different job duties. Did you know, in Real Life™, prison wardens make approximately 2-3 times as much as a security guard? Because that's what our sec officers are. They're glorified corporate security guards with a back room that has big boy guns in it. The backroom (armory) in question is also controlled by the warden whos 'paygrade' you are besmirching, incidentally.


Restrict characters to a single department, so admins can easier see when people job-hop. If you want to change your character's department (just like if you wanted to change their name), you must contact an Administrator.


It is already logged what jobs a char plays.

Administrators can use this information to punish people that are excessively job hopping.

If this change is only for the reasons to give administrators the option to see when someone job hops, I am voting for dismissal, as Administrators can already find that out.

If you notice someone doing that, then ahelp.

In Addition:

If you provide feedback, say what you like or dislike about a suggestion. Dont just say its "bad".

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