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Everything posted by ShesTrying

  1. Melariara is one of those players that you see one day, out of the blue, and absolutely need to interact with more. Thier characters are well-developed, well-rounded, and interesting to interact with. On an OOC level, they are a truly kind, caring person, who is easy to approach, amiable, and wonderful to speak to. I really can't sing enough praises for Mel, and I am absolutely confident that they will be able to handle a command whitelist, as they've shown through the many times they've played iCMO. +1
  3. Bear vs Bear. The true debate. Mod vs CCIA. Crayon eater vs paperwork muncher. The prophecies are coming true. The end is nigh. Bear is great. A well-rounded person both oocly and icly, they serve as someone who is more than able to keep their cool and interact with the community in a level-headed, reasonable way. I've never had the pleasure of interacting with them on a deep level oocly, but I've also never had the displeasure of having to step in on any of their actions. Overall, they're someone who I would love to see get a trial. Big +1
  4. haha funny joke but if you don't apply for mod for real i will kill you
  5. Alright. I understand where you are coming from. Because of my error in the ban time, I want you to sit this ban out. There's about half of it left. You need to understand that just being apologetic about things isn't going to get you out of these situations, and really start paying attention to what you're clicking and doing. This is your last chance, and I want to see you improve from here. Appeal denied. Return when the 24 hours are up.
  6. What a rollercoaster. I thank you for this medal.
  7. Do you hate the guessing game for skrell headgear? Me too. Here, take this. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y6oQ_GschB6gWVIejJxV9IuGngFf5BCRrp91Em8W4Aw/edit?usp=sharing
  8. ;~;
  9. ok hear me out http://prntscr.com/r08dj0
  10. This has already been dealt with as far as I'm aware. My reasonings remain the same if my decision comes into question again. That's all I really have to say.
  11. Your doorth can't schtop me! Pthfuck you!
  12. QUESTIONABLE COMPETENCE VOA C'THUR My legacy of Thea remains
  13. mwhit is one of those players that just... Plays the game. And I think that's a good thing. I've hardly had issues with them on an OOC front, and as one of the first people I encountered when I first joined the server, it was nice to interact with someone who was just... A normal person. A qualified doctor, and a quietly interesting person without neccecarily requiring the spotlight at all times or fighting for it as I've seen others. They are a genuinely intelligent, quality person, who I think would be more than able to handle a command whitelist. A big +1 from me.
  14. We don't have any obligation to publically shame our players. That's not how we do things.
  15. g*wan man bad
  16. Shadow is someone I look up to, and have for a while. He's a responsible person and cares deeply for the server and it's players. A good person, a good friend, and a good moderator when he was one. A big +1 from me.
  17. While I still draw concern from the fact that he did seem to have time to talk on radio, and yet not in person, I wasn't aware that aim was dropped when the target moves-- my unrobustness is showing, I suppose. I agree that the week ban was too long for this, but the history of validhunting and barging in on the situation without a word is still an issue in my mind.
  18. Hi there! After addressing the original purpose of your ahelp, and determining the charges were not so egregious they were against the rules, I let you know that, citing that you could make an IR if you disagreed with them, and charging you for what you were charged with was not breaking ooc rules. However, I wanted to know why you thought a sane character, who wants to keep his job, would hunt down a dumb sec robot and start smashing it to pieces with a stolen-away stunbaton from research. This isn’t really normal behaviour for an employee, and you have exhibited LRP behaviours before. Seeking revenge on a thoughtless machine makes no sense. Imagine if you worked at a coffee shop, and the coffee machine sprayed you with hot water. It burns, sure, but you aren’t going to return with a baseball bat and beat the crap out of it, because you want to keep your job, and destroying company equipment does not make sense if you want to remain in your position. All-in-all, I made a note of your behaviour on your account. That’s it. I let you know this so you would clean up the way you act and you could take preventative measures before getting any warnings or bans from continued behaviour. I am not sure what you mean by ‘railroading’ a ticket. Tickets, while opened for one purpose, don’t excuse you from any other actions you have done during the round.
  19. Hi! Apologies for the delay in responses. Notes and warnings lead to bans-- that is how our escalation system works. You walked up to an antag who was chatting with an officer and, instead of taking time to speak to him, immediately began shooting. If it was a mistake, that’s fine, you could have stopped at that point and began speaking. What happened, from the perspective of the people I spoke to, was that you walked in, started shooting, and did not stop. I apologize if it seems I kept asking the same question-- usually I am in 3-4 tickets asking questions at a time, and often times I try to clarify with the original person I bwoinked before continuing on with the supplementary tickets, to ensure I have the right information from all. You have been playing long enough to know that you can allow movement in your aim to speak to someone. You gave no warning or instructions to follow to Ruul before you began shooting. Even in the screenshot you posted, you turned off aim intent, and began firing on him for real, while he was trying to speak to you. I can see he spoke on the radio, and you did as well. You would have had time to talk to him, if you had time to talk on the radio, would you not? You have a history of validhuntey behaviour and have accumulated quite a lot of notes and a warning or two regarding it. Sometimes you need to give someone some time off so that they can come back with a new perspective, and that is what I did. I am sorry if you feel you were in the right in that situation, but I do not agree.
  20. Icky is one of those players that I always appreciate being around. They make the civilan section feel alive with their chef, and their roleplay has never really been anything I've had to worry about. All in all a good candidate for a roleplay-heavy whitelist such as Command, and the kind of example I would love for people to look to +1
  21. i really like the part where he's cyborg (Man and machine in one) and tajara (man and cat and machine in one) but what if he was also able to do every job because he is so good and what if he had magic powers like wizard but from his dark sekret
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