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Ynnefer Killinski's Doggo Application

Lady Fowl

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BYOND Key: QueenOfYugoslavia

Character name: Ynnefer Killinski

Item name: Nikita, her Siberian Malamute Husky

Why is your character carrying said item to work? Ynnefer bought nikita from a shelter, Nikita was sent to the shelter after beign retired from the Bisel Police Force as a narcotics sniffing dog. Deemed unable to be as aggressive and intimidating as the police needed, he was sent off and was set to be euthanized. Ynnefer adopted Nikita from the shelter and brought her home with her to aid her with her anxiety. Nikita helps Ynnefer with her anxiety from certain situations aswell as workplace stress, following her along aswell as learning to be obedient of commands and orders issued to him.

Item appearance:










How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? Nikita will be able to offer rp to the crew in the form of somebody that can be interacted with aswell as treated. Unlike Securitys dog like his size and style, Nikita loves attention being given to him, seeming unable to resort to violence or such when stranger's approach, Nikita takes to playfuly licking and begging for attention. I believe it can offer others a chance to rp with him aswell as enjoy him as much as I do

Additional comments:


/obj/item/weapon/nikitas_pawner //Yugo's Doggo Spawner
name = "Nikita Spawner"
desc = "Custom Item, used to spawn Nikita without admin assistance, credit to Arrow for help in this"
icon = 'icons/obj/items.dmi'
icon_state = "gift3"
/obj/item/weapon/nikitas_pawner/attack_hand(var/obj/item/weapon/W as obj, var/mob/user as mob)
new /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/commanded/dog/nikita(src.loc)


name = "Nikita"
short_name = "nikita"
desc = "A dog trained to listen and obey its owner, Ynnefer's commands. It looks to be a Siberian Husky-Malamute Mix"
icon_state = "nikita"
icon_living = "nikita"
icon_dead = "nikita_dead"
name_changed = 1
known_commands = list("stay", "stop", "lick", "follow")
attacktext = "licked"
attack_sound = 'sound/misc/dog_bark.ogg' 

/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/commanded/dog/nikita/listen(var/mob/speaker, var/text)
   for(var/command in known_commands)
                   if(stay_command(speaker,text)) //find a valid command? Stop. Dont try and find more.
                   misc_command(speaker,text) //for specific commands

   return 1


(Also for any concern, the dogs harm functions were coded out)


10/10 would pet.

i'm always a huge fan of these sorts of things that are tangible embodiments of leverage for antags, and this could really give killinski a chance to keep developing as a character, especially in situations where the dog could be in danger. as stress relief for killinski, too, this would be interesting to see.

plus the behavior is cute. pet a dog and it licks you? literally actually too cute.

i'd love to see this, especially on the occasion she shows up as a visitor!

+1 from me


I could see it being used to enhance RP, but butter is right that it sets a precedent. If I were you, I would get as many admins as I could to give their opinions. As for me, I have had a few rounds with Ynnefer Killinski, and unfortunately, most of those our interactions were distant, if at all. I have had many interactions with your other characters, however, and under this I do not doubt that this would be a positive addition for everyone who does interact with you, antags or no.


I've had very positive experiences goofing about with the human genome/laws of nature with Ynnefer Killinski before, and the dog sprite is positively adorable. I'd love to see crew evacuate the dog ahead of themselves, in the vein of such loyal hounds as Ian. +1


I dunno, not because I don't like the dog, but this would set a pretty dangerous precedent that, if you could code a pet you could bring it to the Station.

eeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh -1

i disagree. the code changes for this to be a thing are:

1. very minor

2. not the focus of the application.

on the thought of 'anyone' getting a pet, bear in mind killinski isn't just anyone, they are a head of staff, and trusted with the most important department on the aurora most shifts. i'm sure ICly it wouldn't be a stretch for them to bring their dog on some shifts. OOCly also remember drago is whitelisted for command roles and is server staff.

the real precedents here are that drago has proven to be trustworthy and distinguished enough to be awarded privileges and responsibilities here. if they can be trusted to handle that, then surely they won't abuse a personal pet and it won't lead to pet spam where everyone has one.


You challenge my kitty empire? For shame!

But seriously tho, Im a big fan of pets, and this one has harm coded out and adorbs coded in?

Maybe we can be friends afterall <3

I wholeheartedly support this precious addition.


Not comfortable with this as it uses the hostile subtype of pets and given how many updates there have been to hostile AI in the past few months, there are bound to be issues.

Not to mention that you're also setting a precedent. I really don't to turn this server into people bringing their pets to work.


Not comfortable with this as it uses the hostile subtype of pets and given how many updates there have been to hostile AI in the past few months, there are bound to be issues.

Not to mention that you're also setting a precedent. I really don't to turn this server into people bringing their pets to work.


Arrow helped me make it himself and assured there would be no hostile actions. I even tested it on a listen server with a friend


Not comfortable with this as it uses the hostile subtype of pets and given how many updates there have been to hostile AI in the past few months, there are bound to be issues.

Not to mention that you're also setting a precedent. I really don't to turn this server into people bringing their pets to work.


Arrow helped me make it himself and assured there would be no hostile actions. I even tested it on a listen server with a friend


Just like adding children to the station I don't want to see more depression RP where they act out the drama where their dog dies because of antags. Again, this is setting a precedent that quite frankly I am not interested in seeing.


Not comfortable with this as it uses the hostile subtype of pets and given how many updates there have been to hostile AI in the past few months, there are bound to be issues.

Not to mention that you're also setting a precedent. I really don't to turn this server into people bringing their pets to work.


Arrow helped me make it himself and assured there would be no hostile actions. I even tested it on a listen server with a friend


Just like adding children to the station I don't want to see more depression RP where they act out the drama where their dog dies because of antags. Again, this is setting a precedent that quite frankly I am not interested in seeing.


Isnt that rp though?


Going to -1 for a few reasons.

First above all else is that I do not believe it will add any benefit to the depth of your interactions with other players. This item does give some form of insight into your character, at least insofar as the knowledge that they would adopt an animal. This does take a small step towards showing who your character is before they've even spoken. This is a good quality of a custom item.

That said, for what it shows about character, it also detracts. I have, in the time I have been around Ynnefer Killinski, never seen her show any form of anxiety. I have played characters which are frightening, accusatory, and spiteful, and I have not seen anything anxiety-ridden about her reactions. If I can't tell something about the characters personality without the custom item, I shouldn't be able to tell it with. Now you may be able to provide evidence of times where your character has been stressed, but that won't change the fact that I have never seen it while having given plenty of reason for you to display it.

Second, while I would be more inclined to support it as a visitor, what will your dog do while you are doing research? Will you have it wait outside, or will you have it stay in the lab? What about when you're doing robotics? If you'd make it wait outside, that would actually be a serious plus to my consideration of this. But as it stands, I don't get that impression one bit. Your character would be endangering your dog, and your coworkers, as a head of staff.

Finally, I believe it stands a lot more than most items to make your character seem 'special'. I don't mean that in a demeaning sense, but a dog is by far the most noticeable custom item we've had yet. It's going to get everyone's attention the first time they see it. It's going to concrete your character as 'the one with the dog'. I don't like that, because it will build a more meta following around your character. I don't like meta followings of characters. I don't like it when people talk in OOC about how 'Haha X was so badass this shift!' because it detracts from roleplay in the name of spectacle. I can imagine a lot of talk at the end of every round about Nikita. And that in itself is reason to give me pause. (Also, a number +1 responses in this thread mention 'cuteness', and the fact that it is the most popular current custom item app, and one of the more popular ones recently at all, kind of proves this point)


Going to -1 for a few reasons.

First above all else is that I do not believe it will add any benefit to the depth of your interactions with other players. This item does give some form of insight into your character, at least insofar as the knowledge that they would adopt an animal. This does take a small step towards showing who your character is before they've even spoken. This is a good quality of a custom item.

That said, for what it shows about character, it also detracts. I have, in the time I have been around Ynnefer Killinski, never seen her show any form of anxiety. I have played characters which are frightening, accusatory, and spiteful, and I have not seen anything anxiety-ridden about her reactions. If I can't tell something about the characters personality without the custom item, I shouldn't be able to tell it with. Now you may be able to provide evidence of times where your character has been stressed, but that won't change the fact that I have never seen it while having given plenty of reason for you to display it.

Second, while I would be more inclined to support it as a visitor, what will your dog do while you are doing research? Will you have it wait outside, or will you have it stay in the lab? What about when you're doing robotics? If you'd make it wait outside, that would actually be a serious plus to my consideration of this. But as it stands, I don't get that impression one bit. Your character would be endangering your dog, and your coworkers, as a head of staff.

Finally, I believe it stands a lot more than most items to make your character seem 'special'. I don't mean that in a demeaning sense, but a dog is by far the most noticeable custom item we've had yet. It's going to get everyone's attention the first time they see it. It's going to concrete your character as 'the one with the dog'. I don't like that, because it will build a more meta following around your character. I don't like meta followings of characters. I don't like it when people talk in OOC about how 'Haha X was so badass this shift!' because it detracts from roleplay in the name of spectacle. I can imagine a lot of talk at the end of every round about Nikita. And that in itself is reason to give me pause. (Also, a number +1 responses in this thread mention 'cuteness', and the fact that it is the most popular current custom item app, and one of the more popular ones recently at all, kind of proves this point)


Keeping him in the office unless im outside of science is agreeable and would meet many safety standards

  • 2 weeks later...

What's the point of having a custom item that you have to leave in your office all the time just to meet realism standards.

And aren't items supposed to be something you can carry? Something that spawns at round start. From what I understand mop holders which is what allows you to pick up Ian and other things, don't actually spawn properly you have to pick up an animal to generate a mob holder.

It's possible I'm wrong, but I don't really think that custom items should involve a mob that you spawn with. We've already got it limited to not bring any custom weapons with you even though there might be a Perfectly Natural reason why your character has a weapon. And we already have weapons on station that were carefully selected.

By contrast we already have several pets on the station that are they are because they are presumably well-trained. Adding a pet custom item is setting a precedent for people to start bringing their own custom pets. If we let this happen then there's no particular reason why we can't let half the people on the server have a pet, and then you have everyone dragging around animals all shift and now we're running Pet Care Station. Maybe that won't happen but if we let one pet in, by what right do we refuse other people bringing pets in?

Finally, this is supposed to be a professional workplace. Similarly to a recent application to bring a pet Falcon to work was summarily rejected, I think that this application should be met with the same response. You don't bring pets to work. If you start letting people bring pets to work then you have to filter every single pet to make sure that their trained and won't poop on the floor or bite someone or get lost in the ventilation system. Frankly that's a lot more work than I think the bureaucracy of Nanotrasen wishes to do, and it makes a lot more sense for them to just limit pets to the ones they've already designated as workplace animals.

The vetting process of a custom item that people need to consider is: Would it be a problem if every player on server had this item? With a pet, the answer is definitely yes.


Reminder that this application was accepted:


Ergo, the precedent exists and this is okay. Generally speaking, I should think that this should develop someday down the lines of "petstation 13" if it becomes a popular thing to do.


Finally, this is supposed to be a professional workplace. Similarly to a recent application to bring a pet Falcon to work was summarily rejected, I think that this application should be met with the same response. You don't bring pets to work. If you start letting people bring pets to work then you have to filter every single pet to make sure that their trained and won't poop on the floor or bite someone or get lost in the ventilation system. Frankly that's a lot more work than I think the bureaucracy of Nanotrasen wishes to do, and it makes a lot more sense for them to just limit pets to the ones they've already designated as workplace animals.


Nobody cares about this talking point, stop using it as if its an actual argument. Stop attempting to apply 2018 logic to 2460. The state of a workplace in 2018 is nowhere close to what would be a workplace in 2460.

There will not be simulated poop mechanics until Lord Fowl manages to get his PR pushed through the bowels of github. "wHaT iF tHe DoG pOoPs" is not an argument, as defecation is not represented through mechanics. An argument could be made that pooping is not canon in lore, as lore tries to represent and justify mechanics.

NanoTrasen is a notoriously greedy corporation but I doubt they would find it costing too much money to allow a pet on station. Additionally, if you find yourself having to pay for your own food plus food to feed the dog, you're being gouged for twice as much than usual. That's economically sound in general and a worthy investment. Plus it's a space station, not just "space cubicle on its own separate floor." It's designed to accomodate people to actually live on the station for extended periods of time. This is merely not represented well due to the crew transfer nature of round pacing.

I find pets to be excellent. By all means, let us implement more of them. I look forward to help-intent left clicking all of the dogs and cats.


Finally, this is supposed to be a professional workplace. Similarly to a recent application to bring a pet Falcon to work was summarily rejected, I think that this application should be met with the same response. You don't bring pets to work. If you start letting people bring pets to work then you have to filter every single pet to make sure that their trained and won't poop on the floor or bite someone or get lost in the ventilation system. Frankly that's a lot more work than I think the bureaucracy of Nanotrasen wishes to do, and it makes a lot more sense for them to just limit pets to the ones they've already designated as workplace animals.


Nobody cares about this talking point, stop using it as if its an actual argument. Stop attempting to apply 2018 logic to 2460. The state of a workplace in 2018 is nowhere close to what would be a workplace in 2460.

There will not be simulated poop mechanics until Lord Fowl manages to get his PR pushed through the bowels of github. "wHaT iF tHe DoG pOoPs" is not an argument, as defecation is not represented through mechanics. An argument could be made that pooping is not canon in lore, as lore tries to represent and justify mechanics.


Stop acting like things you don't care about personally don't matter to everyone because you don't care. I care, and the fact that there are no mechanics for pooping in game doesn't mean that it doesn't exist ICly. Nor does 400 years of social logic change cause basic bodily functions to vanish just because it isn't represented in the game mechanics. This doesn't mean poop doesn't exist in 2460, we have bloody toilets on station, even if they're mechanically decorative, it means that the higher ups are uncomfortable having mechanics for it. Animals shed, poop, chew on things, make messes, irregardless of what the code actually represents.

Aurora has some nice amenities on it, like a bar and kitchen, but it is not designed to be lived in. It's a workplace where people work in shifts. I could see, maybe, that heads might have the clout to bring in their own workplace pets, since they normally get them anyway, but just anyone on the station (except maybe visitors) having pets?

Absolutely not.

That being said I reluctantly acknowledge that this and the other app both were heads and I guess could get away with this. (though I think it was a mistake to let the cat crate be brought in)


Stop acting like things you don't care about personally don't matter to everyone because you don't care. I care,


uhh okay I suppose people are supposed to take that to mean a substantial amount, for some reason?

It's just a dog. Such as the cat carrier containing many cats. I doubt the RP level will sink substantially if it becomes commonplace for bunches of people to bring their pets to work. Frankly I'd see a lot of potential characterization behind that facet and if anything, it'd greatly enhance roleplay. Imagine pretending to be fawning over a cute dog and pretending to pet a wholesome, adorable dog.

Much like taking your dog or cat to a pet park, it's obvious the expectation that you keep after whatever messes your pet makes is a given. So this is a non-issue, and making it out to be any more of an issue that it isn't is surely a delusion.

How will this negatively impact how you play, out of curiosity, since you're so evidently outspoken against it? I'm rather curious, because often people bring up issues when it personally affects them or their style of play in some way, and I'm struggling to think of a possible reason as to why you're so opposed to this.

Also, please do not use "irregardless." Use "regardless" or "irrespective" instead. "Irregardless" as a word is like the bastard child that knocks up the pastor's daughter and can't hold a job.

An argument could be made that pooping is not canon in lore, as lore tries to represent and justify mechanics.

[mention]Senpai Jackboot[/mention] could you please confirm for the good of this app

Posted (edited)

I see no reason for this not to be accepted based off the fact it is a dog, yes it is true it may shit on the floor, but thats just more janitor tears needed, and we have plenty of those it is expected for someone to be smart enough to clean up after your dog. I would love seeing more interactivity between friendly mobs, which is something we greatly lack. The whole argument about workplace problems is kind of redundant due to the fact you can get your own dog from cargo. I feel that if NanoTrasen really didn't want pets on the station it wouldn't give command their own pets nor would they allow you to buy your own. Overall, I see no problem with pet applications, as long as we do not get unusual pets of course.

Edited by Guest

errone keeps sayin "PRECEDENTSSSSSSSS" like these apps aren't considered and processed on a case by case basis with thought put into the player, their character and the specific item they're requesting


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