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Everything posted by canon35

  1. The nuke is hardly used and I don't think mercs would have a hard time getting to the on station one if they really wanted to, so this is pretty good! The random equipment seems like it could be fun and better to work with. Also quite like the idea of the mini-nuke and I hope that can be developed and added into the game.
  2. As it says on the tin. Allowing wizards to choose however they look instead of having to rely on the robes would make it much easier for a wizard to attempt a more RP centered idea. This would make it easier to push a certain idea such as being a Priest of a in lore faith, a scientist of a certain faction, or whatever else the player can cook up. Apprentices should also not require robes to cast spells. Seeing crew suddenly cosplaying as Gandalf the grey (But blue!) is a tad too far. This could also drive paranoia of who is allied to the wizard and who is not in certain rounds. The current robes we have could be armored and still spawnable through the wizard spell selection menu or in the area in which wizards spawn.
  3. A helping and learning channel would actually be extremely useful if its well moderated. Let people new to the game, server, or jobs speak easily on the main discord to get help from the staff or players in a environment. Maybe also have pinned posts that exist as primers to the lore, gameplay, and server culture/rules.
  4. It does not speak to the theme that these species are seen as generally lower/inferior by the galaxy at large if they can wield the most power in game. Just Human/skrell captains are fine and represent that while tokens can exist in the position of CE or CMO, many species cannot attain higher positions in corporations because they're often forming a underclass in the majority of societies (Much of the galaxy is Skrell and Human ruled.) and viewed as lesser than by corporations. I would even go as far as to argue that we should regulate heads of staff species/characters more, but that is a argument for another day. In regards to how exactly this comes about in a IC perspective, as others have raised before, it is more than likely not really a official policy (except in the cases of Vaurca, I believe.) but simply extreme bias and xenophobia.
  5. Sure. Playable rats contribute pretty much nothing in terms of RP and are just used at most as a shitter mob as Jo said. We get nothing from them, we have nothing to lose from removing them.
  6. I support. Give us folding chairs and give us folding chair beating mechanics. Being able to carry and plop down a chair to chill out is a much better look/feel than just making a metal chair that's stuck in place IMO and I want to be able to do this ICly
  7. I feel that cult conversion should have different effects per species. IPCs could become some form of construct and be unable to use runes, only abilities it spawns with. Diona could have only one nymph converted, the gestalt would split and mass burn besides the one. Golems, well. Perhaps just a flavor message saying your mind is too dumb/strong/already claimed by another entity and thus you cannot be converted?
  8. I do not think it is terrible that Vampires do not leave a mark after a bite. As garn said the blood loss is already a big tell tale sign of vampircy OOC and some WEIRD shit ICly. I say that instead of having regular bites do this, there should be a way to toggle for a harsh bite or perhaps give them a more dangerous bite during their bloodfrenzy. It could leave a telltale mark and a set of blood right away, and the mark and cut remains until healed via medical supplies.
  9. Hard agree. We should have a colonial arabic language for Elyra, a language that the scarab leaders developed to help unite their community, and anything else that would make sense to be it's own thing. I don't really see it as bloat to add more languages and to develop that part of these cultures more.
  10. Hard support. Being able to just have a assistant for consular roles helps them stay in the role and aids in interactions with others. Your assistant could be a personal bodyguard, a good friend, a veteran, someone for you to bounce your ideas as a consular off of and to help you drive interaction with crew. As the assistants, well, it opens up a lot of creativity with the consular. It'd be a interesting ghost role to play (Provided you aren't a total bald/greenhorn and play along with their idea.) while also possibly adding more onto the idea of the consular which is providing a interesting and new path of RP. Plus with some coding effort we could have the assistants spawn with differing gear. Certain uniforms, armor (Not saying they should be packing guns.), factional equipment. So yeah, +1
  11. Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System): Religious deity. Describe this proposal in a single sentence (12 word maximum): Minharrzka, Goddess of water, found on Amohda and among sailors. How will this be reflected on-station? Backstory, IC worship, priests that worship her, perhaps even raiders or Kosmostrelki that venerate her in non-canon or event rounds. Does this faction/etc do anything not achieved by what already exists? As far as I know there are not many regional deities or water related deities within Tajara lore. Why should this be given to lore developers rather than remain player created lore? I want to open the idea of regional deities and such to be expanded and explored on by interested lore devs and other members of the community while also trying to provide a interesting and new god for Tajara players to incorporate into on station play if they so choose. Do you understand that if this is submitted, you are signing it away to the lore team, and that it's possible that it will change over time in ways that you may not forsee? I am fully aware of this. Long Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/179Pl6TaXtga2ZzBKM8fJTT99_-kKhjxKtPI6LkwcJVM/edit?usp=sharing This entire concept was originally just something I had in a flash of inspiration one day. After discussing it with Coalf, we came to the realization that while a new god to the official pantheon would be asinine. However, if Ma'ta'ke expanded across Adhomai and in it's long history, surely it must have incorporated other smaller beliefs within some areas or had cultures create their own variants in some areas. By expanding on this aspect, it would be possible to expand Ma'ta'ke while not having to add more and more major gods to a already established pantheon. Minharzzka serves as a example of this possibility. I intend for this to be slotted underneath the minor religions page for Tajara and not be considered a part of the pantheon by any authority outside of Amohda.
  12. I feel it would be best to have ion storms do a minor temporary effect on IPCs if they were not in maintenance tunnels. Make their voice static, cause them to jostle around like they're drunk for a bit.
  13. Heavily agree with this merge. -Necropolis just MAKES weapons. I don't see why they're shelving out their own dudes to other companies. Idris is doing this because they need the money, EMPC does this because it's their big thing. Plus, it might cut down on the amount of edgelords we get there. -I did not even know Idris can be in cargo. It's extremely odd for a service and banking oriented company. -In agreement with Green here about research contractors. We shouldn't have them in research AT ALL. It's the most sensitive part of the station and them being there would be a massive risk. While this likely won't be coming any time soon, a removal of Hephaestus would be a nice step in that direction while also concentrating the contractor's purpose. All in all, good shit.
  14. Heavily support this. Rounds are like, 2 hours normally. Shuttles shouldn't take almost a 1/4 of the round time.
  15. From what I remember they're just tasers with a extra shot and you can throw in a shotgun stun shell to reload. I have not tested or used them in some time, however.
  16. Give them a stun revolver like we've always been saying we should but never fucking done. Stuns, looks cool. If detectives need to arm up the chance to use the armory or cargo remains.
  17. I echo the sentiment that this facelift gives a much darker and industrial feel to the station overall. I don't mind that personally, however. It feels kinda fitting to have this space installation feel a bit more claustrophobic, dangerous, etc. My only issue with this facelift comes from the walls. As previously stated by wowzewow, their sprite seems like a poor comprimise between the style of our old walls and those used by Eris/Bay. I would prefer that the sprite either embraces the perspective shift entirely or just sticks to the old way. Besides this minor complaint, this face-lift has been excellent. Good work.
  18. I prefer the rune look over the old scratches. Those were a downgrade IMO. These ones feel more detailed and I don't think it's bad that you can replicate them with crayons. Personally I think it would be ideal to develop our own but I do not see that happening any time soon. For now, these older ones work fine.
  19. Add it. I see no reason why it shouldn't be available to heisters or others.
  20. I get more of a power rangers vibe. I do agree with Danse however that the sec suit should be more red and less pink. Otherwise, I'm very much looking forward to seeing Kyres' work on the ERT in game.
  21. Ckey/BYOND Username: Canon35 Position Being Applied For: Unathi Species Maintainer. Past Experiences/Knowledge: Besides a brief and unremarkable tenure as Human Lore Maintainer in 2017, I had also been one of the first CCIA (Back when they were called Duty Officers.) for about a year and a half after their inception. Examples of Past Work: https://forums.aurorastation.org/topic/2816-sol-alliance-news-network/page/2/ I previously assisted Jackboot and the lore team with some writing involving our Sol Occupation Arc. https://forums.aurorastation.org/topic/4117-elyra-news-network/page/2/ VileFault had left a unfinished arc regarding Elyra. I had no way to contact him regarding this as it seemed he had vanished, so I tied it up by connecting it to the then-canon ATLAS Artemis Initiative and ATLAS' views on independent human nations at the time. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Notable_Humans I expanded on this page during my time as Human Lore dev as well. Namely the Sol Alliance, Biesel, and Corporate section. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Miran’mir_Academy_of_Scientific_Pursuits While Alberyk did most of the writing, I had helped with the Academy through contributing to the history and concept of it. Other than this, I did help advise Marlon on some of his arcs and development. Namely the Ouerea revolution and a little bit of the Maraziites when they were founded. Additional Comments: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ddkeOl3W9VY-U7hZb1nJgEXBIczVk18UsJiCbqMU4LA/edit?usp=sharing My primary hope here to expand on what we have and to rework to a better canon. Build up, not out. We can work towards greater depth and detail for Unathi lore as a whole while trimming away at the mismatching parts and reworking aspects to fit the lore better, and to serve players well on the station itself. No more deviation of the core of the Unathi, we don't need to ram out new groups disconnected from lore or trying too hard to be unique. What we have works well enough.
  22. While I would prefer Paradox's solution at 25 health, Yonni's isn't too terrible either. All in all I'd like nymphs to not be so insanely durable. Besides, the only nymphs that do attacked are antagonistic ones now. Random balds are hardly a concern.
  23. I see no reason why Off-worlders as a whole should be barred from any head of staff positions. As stated earlier they've existed for centuries and aren't that fresh to the galaxy, while also having the capabilities to continue a career easily with NT that could lead to them being qualified for the head of staff positions. We should allow them to be heads of staff, however, it should be outlined that to become one in certain positions (Captain, HoS, CE, any others as the lore team sees fit.) you need to gain prosthetics that negate the issues requiring a ESS or RMT pills. Scarabs should also not be allowed in command due to their isolation and recent re-introduction to the galaxy as a whole.
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