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Everything posted by Butterrobber202

  1. Yeah. I’d just like the clarification for LOOC’s intended use to be put somewhere. I wouldn’t have been using it as I was had if we had a guideline somewhere.
  2. no lol. That’s ridiculously long. You don’t need to be a master of culture and RP to apply for species apps. You just need to have a basic grasp of the server and the ability to apply the lore.
  3. Please. The role, as it stands, is painfully out of the way and unengaging.
  4. nawh. Security doesn't need an all-access ID card with legs.
  5. This too high. The only Skrell with a score near 9 would be Consulars. Generally, loyal Skrell who have left the Federation for their own reasons would sit somewhere between a 7 or 8. Remember, you've chosen to leave it all behind and ally yourself with the SCC (even if you are still loyal to Nralakk), you have an outside influence on you now. Especially for a SCC Captain, who are only promoted to such prestigious and trusted positions if they have proven themselves in-line with the SCC's goals. Why does Qum-Qim work for them then? And how did they reach the position of Captain? The rest of your answers are good! Brotendo and I will discuss your application and reach out with more questions or a verdict soon.
  6. Hello! Thank you for applying. I have some general questions for you! 1. What is Quw'QIm's favorite food? 2. How has being a survivor of the Glorsh Era affected their view on human synthetics and AI as a whole? 3. How do you think you could represent the above on ship? 4. How does Quw'Qlm feel about the SCC or human megacorporations as a whole? Your skrell would've been around for first contact, so perhaps they have an interesting perspective. 5. What is Quw'Qlm's SCS score and outlook on the Federation?
  7. yeah but I don't see the *vomit command as my character vomitting on command. Its for me, the player, to use when my character runs into something absolutely disgusting and want to showcase that by throwing up my guts.
  8. I agree, I've noticed this while playing as well. Outside of surely annoying the AI players, not having any in engineering is really annoying.
  9. I understand that what staff say goes, but I do not believe that my usage of LOOC is wildly different than how others use LOOC. It feels as if I am being treated unfairly. I am aware of being asked in the past, but I was not “spamming” by any definition of the word. I have adjusted for the previous warning already and don’t often use LOOC to talk strategy/mechanics unless I’m in the round, antagonist myself, or someone is clearly struggling with game mechanics. I don’t understand how players are suddenly incapable of ignoring messages they are not the target of or do not wish to engage in. Or just politely saying they don’t want to talk. It takes less than 5 seconds. Minor chatter is a pretty common use for LOOC, and I do not see why I was noted for it, considering I received chatter back from atleast 3 out of the 4 groups I spoke too. By contesting the note, I simply want to have have a dialogue about if this behavior is due administrative action it received. Outside of that, I also have no more to say on the matter.
  10. BYOND Key: Butterrobber202 Staff BYOND Key: WickedCybs Game ID: cjN-cMHs Reason for complaint: WickedCybs has informed my that my LOOC chatter is "distracting" and that my usage of LOOC does not fall in line with its purpose. I've been given a note over this and intend to contest it. 1. As far as I can tell, outside of its name declaring it a Local Out-of-Character channel, LOOC does not have any defined purpose set by the admin team, rules or wiki. With that in mind, I should not be noted/warned for "improper usage of LOOC" when LOOC does not have a proper usage. I can hardly be expected to follow rules or guidelines that do not exist. While I'm perfectly fine with listening to staff, if staff want to consider banning me for something as trivial as LOOC messages, I'd like the book thrown at me to be something myself and others can read. 2. I was not being excessive. I shot small messages at around 4 groups of people that I can recall. a. I said hi to a player I knew and exchanged around 4 messages with them. b. Pointed out to a Hanger Tech/Borg that a Martian would probably know what America's flag looks like, since America still exists. Very short discussion and ended with Paradox Games quips. c. Made a TTS bomb joke to a group. About a total of 2 messages from me, then comments on a player misclick that everyone was amused by. d. Commented/Joked on a Officer's IC usage of "My Brother in Christ" converted to "My Officer in Law" by calling them a mall cop in the ancient spirit of SS13 Officers considering themselves THE LAW. These were spread out of the course of around 30 minutes or so, I believe, as I was just observing as I listened to an online lecture and not paying attention to the time. * As for it being distracting, players are capable of ignoring my messages, politely asking me to go elsewhere/shut up in LOOC, or disabling LOOC all together. I'm hardly an observer main, but observers should not just be excluded from local OOC communication unless they are actively being a dick or breaking IC in OOC. As the player population climbs, especially during events, everyone and their mothers are in LOOC chatting about anything from the paint on their bedroom walls to the political situation of the CRZ. Evidence/logs/etc: I do not have the round logs for my usage of LOOC, as I had closed out of the game and moved on to other activities when WickedCybs DM'd me on discord. Here are the discord logs. Additional remarks: None.
  11. Ti'Rakqi Drug Trade Continues to be Thwarted; Cephalons Seen as New Avenue for Computing Solutions (Translated to Tau Ceti Basic) In recent weeks, the Qukala have been active in cleaning up our Federation’s borders from drug peddlers from across the Spur. Reports indicate that once the Qukala secured the smuggler’s route, smugglers attempted to use other routes through Federation space, bypassing the more populated regions or areas with a high military presence. Thankfully, the Qukala has kept a vigilant watch and stomped out these dangerous criminals wherever they can be found. Narcotics production and sale in the Federation saw a noticeable decline after Ka’Akaix’Tro C’thur, a Mouv-brood data analyst, was assigned to assist the Nlomkala in report processing. During their work, the Vaurca collected Nlomkala reports and compared the data against Qukala engagements with the smugglers. Utilizing a “Type D” Vaurca, or a Cephalon, Tro calculated the likely center of the smuggler network’s infrastructure. Once the Qukala acted on the data, they found a large Ti’Rakqi base operating out of the Pluat Ven’qop region. The criminals had been exchanging dangerous narcotics, such as Red Nightshade, for large quantities of natural Xu’Xi Gas, as well as synthetic drugs made "in-house" by the Ti'Rakqi. The Kala have made strides in curbing narcotics production and trade in other parts of the Federation, thanks to information revealed by data found inside the discovered Ti'Rakqi base. The Nlomkala have been able to use this information to conduct multiple investigations and arrests in other areas of the Traverse, while the Qukala have seized shipments mid-transit thanks to the schedules and manifests found during the operation. Grand Councillor Weashbi briefly commented on the matter, expressing his great gratitude towards Mouv’s brood and our hard working Kala. With this event, Nralakk scientist interest in Cephalons has increased sharply. Some claim they may be the “solution” to regain the processing power lost when the Skrell wisely discarded usage of AIs. Other scientists have claimed that such practices, if adopted, would be unethical as the Cephalons are still technically living beings. There are some in the scientific community that have argued that the use of Cephalons would be similar to the use of viax, drawing parallels between the two and how their usage by the Federation is on par with the use of synthetics. Some have gone even further and argued that the use of Cephalons would make Skrell similar to Glorsh using Skrell for slave labor - this line of thought, however, was quickly admonished by most academics due to its controversial nature.
  12. Hello! Thank you for applying. 1. What is Tal-Sup's favorite food? 2. How does Tal-Sup think about Synthetics, especially with his history education? 3. How does Tal-Sup feel about the Federation and the Traverse?
  13. I think Danse would be an excellent addition to the human team. He is passionate about the Aurora Lore and the server as a whole. Time is a funny thing, because I barely remember the previous negative actions by Danse. We can hardly hold someone responsible for endless months and years on end, especially with how randomly and rarely these slots open up. Any action while they are on the team can be handled, but I think anything negative is unlikely to happen.
  14. if the memory removal happens, vampire drain rate will need to be massively increased. It takes AGES to kill someone via blood drain as a vampire, and its designed to do that to encourage people to let their victims live.
  15. we should be able to ram planets and knock them out of orbit. more SPEED!
  16. Psionics access will not be improved until we rework the current psionics system, which is a 1:1 port from Bay, who got it from someone else.
  17. Qukala Uncover Narcotics Highway Translated to Tau Ceti Basic In a press release earlier today, the Qukala announced they have busted an intergalactic drug operation that slipped into Traverse space. The smugglers were discovered by a passing Qukala patrol who hailed a small convoy of freighters, who were operating without active transponders. The convoy attempted to flee but were quickly subdued by our Navy’s swift response. A Qukala boarding party embarked on the vessels to detain the crew and search for illegal goods, when they were attacked by a mixed group of human and skrell criminals. C’thuric Warriors quickly disabled the unlawful crew and secured the ships. The Qukala reported the convoy seemed to be transporting large quantities of Nightlife, Mercury Monolithium Sucrose, and—most alarmingly—Red Nightshade. After interrogation, the smugglers revealed that, due to the hostile conditions of the Solarian Wildlands, criminal elements have begun seeking alternative routes to reach frontier space. The route these smugglers used was allegedly rapidly gaining popularity in part due to the quietness of Federation space and the fact some unsavory Traverse elements were purchasing some of their wares. The route has been indicated below: Many of the arrested smugglers seem to either be unruly Traverse citizens or human Venusians from Solarian space. Those arrested have been transfered to the Nlomkala for processing and sentencing. Federation officials have opened a formal complaint with the Sol Alliance embassy, though no response has been given. The Directory of Defense Operations noted it was pleased with the performance of Vytel’s Brood in Qukala operations. The Board was equally disappointed by the continuous poor behavior from Traverse Skrell, and commented that Qukala operations near this uncovered highway will be doubled.
  18. We need to hire the ginger to meet the diversity quota. Ryver was a good dev, he'd do just as well in an Auxiliary position.
  19. finally, new masculine hairstyles
  20. This is a sequel to my original post. It was accepted and the changes were added, however, the more recent mapping changes overrided the changes in Camera position and most of them were re-added. Cameras serve 2 purposes: 1. Security and the AI monitoring 2. AI needs to hit buttons The goal of these suggestions are to reduce the all-seeing eye of Security and the AI, while being considerate of the second point. Antagonists benefit greatly from camera blindspots, so they can conduct lengthy business or RP without fear of being spotted from across the map. Here's my list of suggested blindspots to be created (or re-created, in the case of those that were removed). I've tried to create one for each department. With the AI in mind, nearly none of these have any equipment the AI should have be concerned about. 1. Chapel Storage 2. Morgue 3. Engineering Storage 4. Aux Janitor Closet 5. Atmos Lockers 6. Evidence Storage 7. Command Bunker noting on this one, the Bunker on Aurora specifically did not have in-built cameras. 8. Cargo Aux Storage Both of these rooms should have the cams removed. There is literally nothing in here to be monitored. (And its a great way to sneak into Maintenance) 9. Kitchen Freezer 10. Bar Lounge
  21. Golems already have reasonable lore afaik. They can be summoned via Slime Bluespace bullshit then get atomized after a few hours.
  22. your honor the defense is nitpicking
  23. I'm fine with this suggestion, but I believe this will mean the number of keys accepted into military headsets will need to be expanded by 1 to accommodate the bought/stolen keys.
  24. holy shit several global militaries ripped off Mass Effect. Commander will continue to be used despite the official title solely because its faster to type and sounds cooler. It is unlikely to be accepted as the official name because of its vagueness out-of-context and headmins wanting to maintain a naming scheme with command job titles..
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