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Soultheif96's Command Application

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BYOND key: Soultheif96

Character names:


How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Eleven months now.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Community encouragement and wanted to get back into the command seat.

Why did you come to Aurora?: I will echo my reason again. "I came to Aurora and SS13 as a whole because I was introduced to it by UnknownMurder, along with that, I came here because I enjoy the community and the roleplay atmosphere."

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yes and I am familiar with the qualifications of each head role apart from Head of Security, which I do not intend to play.

Have you received any administrative actions?

Seven warnings, two severe, one temporary ban.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

Roleplay is like a novel. The protagonist has a backstory that shows itself later on in the story though interactions with the environment/characters. Some develop it beforehand, some others do not, all it takes is time and interactions. Then there is the antagonists that affects your experience, both in positive and negative ways. One such example would be a Vaurca experiencing oppression within Security because the HoS doesn't like their species due to racial bias/experience, so they would look for ways to gain their trust or actively go toe-to-toe with them to prove a point. In short, roleplay exists to share a story with others and make the experience enjoyable in one way or another.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

My previous thoughts have not changed for OOC purpose. "The OOC purpose of a head of staff is to help other players preform their duties in-game, make sure they are following regulations and doing their jobs properly. Through this, you aim to make sure your department is functioning properly and co-exist with other departments. If one person messes up, it is your responsibility to correct their mistake and act accordingly to their wrongdoings. If the mistake is severe, it comes down to you and command to decide what punishment would be for the person who committed the mistake. Outside that, it is notable to make sure you keep a professional atmosphere while being enjoyable. It is a game after all." Though to expand on that, as Captain, there are times when you have to make a hard decision and know how it can be impactful to the round. Meanwhile, being in a role of CMO, you are there to provide oversight and experience to help others in the medical department, this can be done for other departments like Science. 

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

My thoughts here have also not changed even so. "The OOC responsibilities of a whitelisted player to other players is to be a role model for them, help them learn as they go on in there play. You are the mentor, there to help teach them how to do their job and well. I aim to be sincere but stern as a head of staff as no body likes a jerk for a head of staff. It is your responsibility to act as a the boss of your workplace to make sure that they are not screwing around, with exception of interacting with others in public spaces." To add on with that, I understand there are times when you can't micromanage every aspect such as Science, so you simply have to let it be until it either becomes a problem or it requires your oversight to ensure there are no mistakes to be made. 

Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?:

Quintin Copperfield is a Sol citizen who happens to be neutral if not accepting of synthetics. Since the SLF actions on NSS Aurora and other affiliated areas, he began to formulate the question of "Do the synthetics deserve a voice and be heard?" His answer was, "Yes, they are no different to us, if not more rational and logical than we are. I may say that they need to be watched with caution as they may develop negative sentiments towards us Humans and other species. We should be more receptive to them and allow them to a voice." He actively allows synthetics to be heard while still considering other peers opinions, as if they were equals, this caused some questions to be raised for Quintin as a Captain by others who share negative feelings about synthetics. On other notes, he is disturbed by the rise of the MLO, and will only observe what they will do and see how it goes. It reminds him of the Worker's Party back home, leaving a bad taste in his mouth as Quintin is a pro-corporate man.  

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? All but Head of Security.

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.:
Sterben - CMO, Quintin Copperfield - Captain/HoP, ORION - CE, Flamel - RD. Ta'Akaix'Jyek Zo'ra - Consular Officer. 

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: 7/10, there is always room for improvement.

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?: Yes.

Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? I am familiar with the command roles and the wiki due to constant reference to the page and experience.

Extra notes: I do realize this is a copy from previous application but my views has not changed much on command. I understand that there are some feelings towards me that are negative and I wish to answer them if it means to help create an understanding between me and the community. If there were some concerns stemming from my time as Command, I wish that you express them here and I shall see it to be taken into consideration and perhaps change how I would play. I want to help create an enjoyable atmosphere for everyone as command and don't want to leave a bad impact that would sour our relationship. This also includes my OOC actions, if you wish to bring it up for question, I will see to it answered when possible.

Guest BoxWulf


While I understand there was a reason that Soul's whitelist was stripped in the first place, (too many warnings, notes, etc) I can only point out that, in-round, as Sterben, whenever there was an open iCMO position, he was immediately selected by Command staff of varying players. I'm not sure who will attest to it within the coming posts, but I can personally say that not only did I witness it, but while as active iCMO, Sterben fulfilled the role adequately and without fail. Even without the position, he's become a crutch that new players, and even senior players, rely on for information both IC and OOC.


We all make mistakes and I think that Soul realizes that he has made a few and the fact that he's open and willing to answer questions and comments on an open-forum says a lot about his maturity. 

(Please make Sterben CMO so he can go in his office and stop scaring the interns in the lobby.)


Soultheif's conduct has been splendid, and it would be incredible to have him back with Command characters as well that his way to adapt Sterben's predicament until now has also been incredibly intriguing. And even without the whitelist, he has been exemplar in guiding others with an eye for details and a type of patience I do admire. He has my full support and encouragement to handle Command again.



Soul has always been a patient and helpful player, and never shy's away from helping those who are new. They're a good roleplayer and its always pleasant to talk to them


+1 from me. 


Just gonna drop a +1 on this. From what I witnessed in the pass, Soul's command characters have been both competent, accommodating and human. It's a shame to see their role taken for non-command issue related events, but still I hope to see them back in the role. He's definitely the type of person I'd like to see in command more. Each of his characters has something grounding them, like his captain actually bothers to make breakfast when possible instead of just sitting in his office, eating donuts and screaming at security.

Posted (edited)

Hey just coming by to say Soulthief, despite having an odd name, is a pretty swell dude that plays interesting characters and RPs very well. I've been especially impressed with how he's integrated Sterben's demotion into the character. Definitely the kind of person we want to see in command again. I particularly want to see Copperfield suffering as captain again - he is always a pleasure to work with.


Edit: Oh yeah +1 I guess.

Edited by NewOriginalSchwann

+1 I am not entirely why his command whitelist was stripped in the first place, but I had no issues with his command characters. It'd be great to see him commanding command again!


By talking with Soul and playing alongside his characters, he's made me a better player and role-player. As a member of command, I've seen him do this for many other players as well, encouraging their character growth and helping them learn the game. I look forward to seeing with his command characters again, so from me it's an easy



No question about it, exact same review as DarkStar and Satin. Wonderful fellow, couldn't say a bad thing about him, before or since.



Posted (edited)

I'm not a big fan of empty +1s and I wanted to abstain from commenting here, but I guess since this blew up I should say something as well.

Instead of saying "he good" or "he bad" I want you to respond to some questions:

As Copperfield, what you always tend to do(at least as a captain) whenever a threat arises, is go to the bunker and hide there for a while. I've seen this on multiple occasions and there are memes of this sometimes, even. My question is: why? While it's logical for a captain to hide, I don't think it's the most RP facilitating thing to do.

You tend to do things that just... come out of nowhere sometimes. Case and point the thing you got banned for: throwing someone off the asteroid as a paramedic. Again: Why? We talked about this and you said it was a mistake, but I'd like you to explain this here for everyone to see.

Edited by BoryaTheSlayer
English bad.

Thank you for providing questions that I can at least answer to explain my thought process:

For Copperfield, I do run to the bunker when the situation is dire such as my life is threatened, crew is being killed off, command is being breached and I happen to be there, mostly out of self-preservation and the continuation of command. I can do a lot within the bunker, just with less face to face talk and more radio talk to guide security and the crew. I am expected to run the station and stay in contact with NTCC Odin to ensure nominal operations, getting killed or be held hostage is not the most ideal for everyone.

As for the paramedic issue: I was Za'Akaix'Maive C'thur, F. Gonzales happen to be on the shift, and there was a pod survivor that landed unto NSS Aurora's asteroid. Their pod landed in the most inconvenient spots imaginable, North of the AI core, on sublevel, no access there without a jetpack and is a narrow piece of land surrounded by many holes. The pod survivor had a tank running out at 40 kPa when I arrived and I didn't bring one with me because as IPC/Vaurca, I never need the emergency box. What I do have for him is: Inaprovaline and Inaprovaline Injectors, Dexalin Inhalers, if I place him on a full bottle of inaprovaline, it would extend his life for a whole thirty minutes but with a destroyed lung, if I used dexalin, I would have to sit there and hold his hand until he dies to suffocation. In this time, I do not see how he will be rescued in a timely manner with sufficient help: Miner and another person hauling oxygen supply. That would take time and time I do not have to sustain this man's life. Ultimately, I decided to push him off the asteroid in hopes of his corpse being recoverable but then learned after the round that the air bubble is a grounded object, making it immobile. In the end, his body was made recoverable and I was charged for manslaughter. Soon after, I didn't like how I was presented with a improbable scenario that will lead to a death, so I expunged the charge of manslaughter. People didn't like that and said it was canon, you keep it, I protested as a no. Staff deemed it appropriate to temporary ban me for this ruling: All events of conflict will be considered canon unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties or spurred by a round antagonist-related action. 

I hope this answers the questions you had in mind. If anyone else wants to ask, please do so. :)


Wanted to drop a simple +1 but Borya said no, so....

Good guy, sometimes doing stupid stuff, sometimes getting in trouble for it. Does not mean he no good guy anymore.

Overall seen you help out new players a lot in LooC and ICly. Appreciate it, good work should not go unseen and I think the feedback you got so far speaks for itself.

Good luck with your app!


Soulthief has historically been a recognized and well liked member of the community. If anything that can be seen by the feedback already received in this re-application. Furthermore the most evident factor in this application is that he as a player is willing to reform his playstyle to help engage in the round more and perhaps shift toward a more accepted style of play. 


This reason alone is enough to provide an endorsement and +1 though I would never say that Soulthief has ever been a bad command player or has crafted bad command characters. His intent on reformation though shows his dedication to the privilege he is asking for and the server at large. There is no reason to deny him getting it back


+1 a good player and roleplayer, with some fun and interesting characters! Sterben, Copperfield and Flamel are good command characters and I am eager to see them again.

On 03/11/2019 at 05:36, BoryaTheSlayer said:

As Copperfield, what you always tend to do(at least as a captain) whenever a threat arises, is go to the bunker and hide there for a while. I've seen this on multiple occasions and there are memes of this sometimes, even. My question is: why? While it's logical for a captain to hide, I don't think it's the most RP facilitating thing to do.


Based question.

Captains cannot seem to win in this regard. Either we're frontlining by trying to see whats going on or be involved in the round or we're turtling too much by staying in the Bridge


I play HoS and I have seen them consistently and adequately address all logistical issues the department faces. Coordination with all other command members has been good as well and thats all I really need in a Captain.



Posted (edited)

Does well with command roles as far as I know. Also willing to expand opportunity's of other players. Example being I play Jaxon Williams, After I Ic'ly proved to be capable of working Telecommunications including uploading scripts he, in a later round, Promoted my character to Tcomms Administrator and that was pretty fun to do. +1

Edited by Tadpolesrcold
Bolding the Plus 1

I talk to Soultheif on a fairly regular basis over Discord, and I've had interactions with quite a lot of his characters, all of which were positive from the top of my head. Having seen his performance as Captain Quintin Copperfield over a couple of rounds, I can confidently give my



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