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Everything posted by Doxxmedearly

  1. +1 good rper
  2. Damn grats to N/A for so many top threes what a beast.
  3. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/8026
  4. A lovely message and reminder to us all. We didn't speak much but I always admired your passion and dedication to the server and your friends here. All the best.
  5. It was probably just an oversight when it was added. Offworlder stuff was all done in large groups so it's not unreasonable that specific things went unnoticed. Hard to think of every situation for testing. Which is why it's great to see bug reports and suggestion threads like this.
  6. Indeed, it is not a bug. I just peeked at the code. Breath masks have a a FLEXIBLEMATERIAL flag which exists specifically to say "this item won't prevent you from eating/drinking." I imagine it was added for the reasons OP posted in the post above. It's reasonable to assume you could move a scarf out of the way while eating/drinking without having to clog it up with a verb. All other scarves have this flag, just was left off the pioneer one. I'll add the flag in a PR later if someone else doesn't get to it first.
  7. There is nothing wrong with miners preferring the KA, or doing a big haul and staying on station. I've played miners who prefer exosuits and drills, and haven't really caught shit for it. I haven't witnessed people trying to force it, either, in my time in supply. But there is a problem with people telling miners it's the "right" or "only" way.
  8. This could be added. Forcing a crate with an explosion or KA could have a chance of breaking/destroying contents. Keeps it good as a "oh shit pop this open at all costs don't tell me the odds" last-ditch effort while curbing the "Yeah let's just order a thing and pop it open, EZ PZ."
  9. Accessible crate hacking like this would certainly be a cool addition. Big Yikes™️ I agree the discussion is important and I think your overall goal is solid. Do I think it'll get people who powergame and validhunt to have a revelation and change their ways? Nope. But I'd like the average player to read it and realize they don't have to go with that flow. It's not easy to deal with people crying/getting angry because you won't powergame/break character for their sake but the more people do it the less ground these offenders will have to stand on. Hopefully, anyway. Somehow I still have my optimism about this.
  10. Removal of the QM seems like an odd take here. I've experienced more quality QMs who keep the department on track more than I've experienced shittery. Whitelist it is... weird, too. It's not command and doesn't have the same responsibilities of it. It's also a great stepping stone for those who are looking to make a command whitelist. As Fresh said; sometimes a role gets shitters. If we removed roles based on shitters, we'd no longer have roles for ISD, assistants, janitors, chefs, chemists.... I'm not sure what QMs you've seen playing James Bond but I feel like this isn't the norm. I've seen shitters but mostly the QMs I've seen over almost two years have been pretty good, especially in the last few months. KA damage to players can be nerfed, and probably should. A lot of issues with "cargonia" are centered around arming up, I agree, but I feel like this is more of a player mindset issue than a department one; engineering has the exact same "An antag was mentioned, fortify" mindset in my experience. This is less of a mechanical issue and more of a player one. Whether it's the desire to win, fear of loss, or excitement at finally getting to use a weapon, I notice that for many, fearRP and reasonable characters go out the window when shit's really hit the fan. Will stopping cargo from ordering guns stop this? Not really. Everyone and their mother apparently learned spearcrafting as a child, so you'll just have the same behavior with different tools. And I know it's HARD to say no when the group's riled up and weapons are distributed and there's the promise of action after command probably told you to stay in your department forever... but you have to try not to get swept up in it and stick to character. Pick up that gun, but if you don't know how to use it, or you're a coward, or you're not comfortable with KILLING A PERSON (Having a weapon and using it are wildly different concepts)... rp that. And if you see bad behavior, even in your department group or IC/OOC friends, you gotta, gotta, gotta ahelp. Things do add up, even if it doesn't seem like you've accomplished anything. You can put up as many barriers as you want but powergaming behavior has to be stopped at the player or else they will always find a way. But I do hear what people are saying here with their experiences; there are plenty of people who get MAD if you don't powergame or break character FOR them. Can't hack the lathe? Urist McOfficer pitches a fit. Won't order weapons as QM? Get badgered ICly and LOOCly by cargo. Say you don't know how to use a RIG or Voidsuit? Frustration. Aren't a master at every single thing as a head? Get told you shouldn't have a WL. I caught a lot of shit in engineering when I questioned people making weapons or fortifying at the first sign of antaggery, and refused every weapon handed to me. My HoP didn't make any friends when I wasn't a cargo militia leader. If you're one of these people who get mad at others for not facilitating your spotlight, do everyone a favor and re-evaluate if HRP is for you. I really don't know if there's a solution to this other than a large player effort to shift the server culture into standing your ground against these people. But I don't hate cargo being able to order weapons. Good players do great RP with it; hold onto a gun for that secure feeling but never using it, the fear of knowing ISD can't help you and that your life is in your hands, the panic of knowing you might be forced to kill someone, etc. And I really don't feel this validy mindset is specific to cargo. Powergamers will powergame and good RPers will make anything fun and reasonable. If I were to suggest mechanical changes to curb this issue, the list would prrrrobably be: -Longer playtime age restrictions on QM -Maybe lock guns behind QM, Head, and AI access. I don't really like it as a concept but I wouldn't hate testing it. -KA damage nerf to people. But, as my .02, I feel like a lot of the issues center around player culture than they do around specific jobs or items.
  11. Print a high-cap cell from your vendor that has ten of them and put it in. It lasts a pretty decent amount of time. I did it all the time as my G2 engineer and rarely had problems. However, I agree that basic cells are pretty useless for them, even as the equivalent of an emergency O2 tank. APC-grade cells would be a better default.
  12. 4/2 is pretty perfect.
  13. I'm of the belief that it should draft people if they have any antag or even any special role enabled in that character's preferences. If you're willing to antag you should be valid for being drafted as a host. Would easily prevent "not enough hosts" while sparing people who don't want the chance of antag at all. Matt's fix is cleaner but now we run into the problem of not having enough borers for it to be selected, or selecting from a limited pool of people. Which is a damn shame because this is really unique and fresh in terms of antag gamemodes. I understand why he took this route but I'm kind of disappointed at the outcry. I didn't like it either when it happened to me, I admit, and I think SOME change should be made instead of picking just anyone. Forced converts leave a bad taste in my mouth because frankly I've had too many experiences soured by bad antags (wordless thralls, using borer to just walk around and embarrass you, johnny always-cult doing the same thing to convert you, etc) but I don't think they're inherently a bad thing. This is definitely something I can get behind, too, and one of the ideas I pitched to Matt. I feel like this is a great solution, personally.
  14. if a borer wants to plug into my brain go right ahead. take the wheel bitch this awful vessel is your responsibility now. good luck idiot

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KingOfThePing
    3. Scheveningen


      haha you FOOLish brain slug i can't believe you've fallen into the trap of invading the body of a person who doesn't even want to be in their own body

    4. JamOfBoy


      what if i crawled into your ear canal.... haha just kidding... unless....???

  15. IMO we should give surgeons a separate slot instead of an alt-title for MD, like how Atmos Techs are in engineering. Duties overlap but with different specialties, and no more 3-surgeon shifts. As far as alt-titles, I agree that there is such a thing as too much; a ton of titles to remember can easily cause confusion in duties and isn't new-player friendly. Though I'd love to see nurse-practicioners make their way to the server.
  16. It would have been very easy to suggest alternate titles with reasoning much earlier in this thread. Several back and forths could have been avoided. It was pretty clear that the intent of the suggestion was to keep the role from being the automatic next-choice as responders, not to shoehorn "Trauma Physician" in. While the job title IS mentioned as a suggestion in the OP, the title of the thread and crux of the OP is to rename EPs in a way that 1) stops them being confused with responders and 2) prevents making them the automatic next step for responder. If Intensivist or CCP is more fitting, it's easy enough to change the title to that. I've no personal opposition to either change, even though I'm fine with Trauma Physician as well. While arguing back and forth that "yes EPs are responders" or "no they aren't" or whatever may be satisfying to parties with IRL experience present on both sides, let's not lose sight of the goal of the suggestion: In our RP server, we wish to keep the physician in the GTR instead of being the automatic choice as responder, or being confused for a responder. This thread absolutely does not to be as long as it is right now.
  17. That's just called not powergaming. If an MD knows how to ICly fix something, I've not really seen an instance where they're not allowed to. If you know OOCly but can't due to your title that's just normal RP. Sometimes there's not always the necessary staff to save everyone. That aside, EPs knowing how to do ABs seems pretty reasonable to add to their expected skillset, but that's not in the scope of the thread. This seems a bit far-fetched. Changing "Emergency" to "Trauma" doesn't make it less clear, and several of the things listed are already just as vague now. Does an EP handle a psychological emergency? Or are they primarily focused on physical health emergencies? I feel that it goes beyond just CMO assumption. I've witnessed LOOC confusion between medical staff and even people choosing EP thinking it was a responder role. It happens. This would mitigate those instances as well.
  18. He had goofy moments where he and his son did raps and used the announcement system for that and that was hilarious. As a character he was pretty alright. As a command member... he just didn't work. My main issue with him was spotlighting, and in my personal experience, he didn't do a whole lot of coordinating departments (but I haven't played supply/civ under him much, so my experiences may not be the norm). I don't mind goofy characters in command so long as they do some semblance of their job and don't try to center-stage.
  19. Schev raised a lot of my concerns and I mostly echo his thoughts. tbh as long as I don't see another Jawdat from you I'm not opposed to another trial. I was present for the whole four-way IR incident that resulted in several punishments for people and I don't want to see you repeat what parts you did wrong in that (Forcing yourself onto the shuttle on an away mission as HoP, for one example, is pretty spotlighty. I apply that criticism to ALL heads who went with, though, not just you).
  20. Yeah, pretty good, makes sense. Less confusion, for sure. which makes it friendlier for people newer to medical or the server.
  21. You've improved since your start on the server as Normandy but I'm not sure I trust your capability to handle a command role just yet. You seem to want to spotlight a bit too much, and that worries me for command. You have a history of being hesitant to accept consequences for your actions, though perhaps that's no longer true; your arrest during Warbling was handled well at the time. We'll see if you stick to any consequences. Your RP isn't terrible but you still seem to struggle here and there with powergaming. All in all, I think you're a good candidate for a trial, since I don't see any reason to deny you the chance outright. I remain skeptical, but, as always, I hope to be surprised. In any case, good luck.
  22. Different whitelist app, same potential for personal bias from me, so grain of salt, etc. Shenaanigans has taken to the server well and her roleplay continues to improve as she gets used to the mechanics of ss13. She's done a good job with the whitelist she already has; Lusula Kazhkz has been a staple in medbay lately and she's an excellent example of a Dominian unathi. She puts a lot of care and thought into each of her characters and has a lot of love for the server and species lore. I'm positive she'll represent Tajara as well as she does Unathi. +1 from me
  23. He's not the only person. I don't really enjoy seeing these removed, either.
  24. I disagree with this, since I feel that it's important for every department to maintain a learner role. I think finding a place for them will be important, but removal seems a bit much. More restrictions wouldn't hurt, though that may be out of scope of depsec. I do think it's certainly true that some use them as officers 5 and 6, but we really shouldn't consider removing learner roles.
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