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Everything posted by Doxxmedearly

  1. It is a smoke grenade filled with a highly-corrosive acid (The strongest acid in our code, as well). I am not certain this needs to be nerfed, as that is exactly what acid should do. This has been in the game for as long as I can remember and is fortunately one of the things that, while powerful, has not been abused. Like maxcaps, it's something you're expected to be careful about abusing because they are very powerful and we have rules about causing excessive collateral damage. If it becomes excessive we can take a look at it. But I'd prefer to give players a bit of trust here (Probably a mistake) not to abuse this. If we start seeing people dropping people left and right with polyacid grenades and it becomes more trouble than it's worth to keep moderating it, we can consider a mechanical limit.
  2. Force, eh. Admin logging and a new rule? Fabulous idea. If you're not going to participate in the game, you should not decide what game will be played. It is that simple.
  3. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/10962
  4. Exactly what I came here to post. The second slot is good for the reasons listed and will probably not be going. Many jobs have more slots than absolutely necessary, and that's to accommodate our playerbase. If you need to take turns serving drinks, do so. I think the way it's being presented here paints it as an issue when there is none. A better solution would be the larger undertaking of restructuring the kitchen and bar staff / areas to be less separate and more like a restaurant or equivalent, as people are suggesting. Removal of the alt-title is fine if it's causing issues.
  5. Well, that's fine, isn't it? it's a roleplaying game. Sometimes someone isn't going to send a bluespace beaker to medical and it'll sit in a crate for the round. Someone might see high-capacity cell and think it's super important. Sometimes you think something should go to engineering but it's just a useless science item. Not sure how to make players more accepting of "non-optimal play" or mistakes other than trying to encourage it ourselves through our play (And stop mocking people in dchat for doing these things, as many are guilty of). Hopefully some of the players reading this discussion will take it to heart, as well. In the meantime, I will see what can be done about further adjusting the warehouse spawns, though I can't promise they'll change dramatically.
  6. Agreed with above. I already sorted out the most egregious offenders (Stacks of 7 trays, you will not be missed) and added unique items in a PR some time ago, but intentionally left some degree of junk in there. It isn't a treasure trove; it's predominantly a mundane storage area that sometimes has some fun and unique things in it. If quantity is an issue, we can look into reducing the number of items overall. Frankly, though, the cargo culture of "everything must be sorted perfectly and sent out" is as ridiculous as it is irritating; however, I cannot deny that you are right and for whatever reason, it has been ingrained in the minds of QMs, HoPs, and cargo techs that this MUST be done and everything that can be shipped out should be. I can look into tweaking the amounts, items, and frequencies again, to reduce some of the tedium, but I am going to say this right now; the warehouse will always feature more or less useless junk as its majority. That's not going to change, because that's what the warehouse is for. No amount of coding is going to remove the frankly strange and irksome tradition of "you must sort fully, you must ship everything." That's up to the players.
  7. Working with Hocka has been a pleasure and Matt and I totally didn't pressure him into making this app. While his technical knowledge isn't as robust as other devs (except me, marble-brain), he possesses the drive to learn and create. He is not afraid to take on larger PRs (such as his makeshift can grenades), nor is he afraid to ask for advice from more experienced devs. He would fit well in a team setting and would only benefit from being able to work closer with the dev team as a whole. His contributions speak for themselves. He's quick to fix any bugs or make any changes that are brought to his attention and I think he would be an excellent addition to the dev team. I absolutely support this application.
  8. The evil is defeated


  9. After further discussion with the development team, we've elected to disable players from joining as rats altogether. Assuming the configuration option works, this should be in effect starting on the round after this post.
  10. Not going to happen. There's no RP to improve. I've never wanted to see a reply to one of my threads less than this tidbit right here. Make no mistake, I would prefer the outright removal of them myself and this has not changed. However we are willing to work in a compromise to see if it makes anything better. I suspect it won't but nobody can say we didn't try. Anyway the current thought shared between Ferner and myself is to have pest random events spawn a set number of ghost roles for said pests. Rats is one, maybe lizards, who knows. No respawns. Limited number. If you're dead you're done. This way the event announcement serves as a notification to be ready for them, instead of just having players joining throughout the round and having to be on guard the whole time. Maybe there will be tweaks for making rats less irritating to catch. After all, the characters in a round are more important than a literal pest ghost role, and I have no issue giving them the advantage.
  11. We're revisiting this and considering some alternative options.
  12. jebmars.jpg

    1. BoryaTheSlayer


      Jeb deserves better than what is about to be one giant canyon 

    2. Scheveningen
    3. Haydizzle


      Voter suppression this Martian election got kinda heated

  13. This thread is 7 months old and has long since been merged. I know you're really excited about your campaign against the suggestions subforum but you don't need to necro a thread. If you wish to revert this go and post a suggestion to do so. edit: Moving to completed projects and locking.
  14. No secret that we don't get along OOC and I don't particularly care for his conduct in it. But IC I can't say I've ever had any complaints about his play or characters. I'm sure he'll do fine as command.
  15. I think the PR is fine as it stands. Putting it under existing laws about protecting property is not a bad idea, though by itself is probably not enough, as I agree with the points Doc has presented. Alternative options would be to couple that with significantly reducing the durability of the remote mech (It's not meant for combat) and disabling its ability to hit mobs (Again, not meant for combat.) However at this point the PR itself works as a solution. These are just other options if the feedback indicates they prefer it not to be removed.
  16. "Oh god why" indeed. You're crazy. Anyway normal bias disclaimer etc. etc. but in short +1 Mostly because I know how she's moderated other RP sites/settings off of SS13 and always felt like she's done a great job. She's a very fair and even-tempered person but her past experience shows to me that she knows when it's time to issue punishments, as much as she would rather avoid them. She pulls her weight on moderation teams and knows how to work as a group. I definitely feel like she's a good fit for the role.
  17. I play mining a lot and agree; we could use more sinks. I'd definitely be happy to implement some of the suggestions we get. A space bike is a pretty cool idea for one. Very good KAs could also be good on those rounds where science isn't around to produce any. But that should be like a 7k+ thing to not step on their toes and make them the primary source still. Fluff things like NT swag might also be on-brand for this sort of thing. Reward yourself by showing your NT pride!
  18. comment under this post when schlorrgo are finally a playable station species so I know when to come back. Thanks.

  19. Yeah this is a pretty good call
  20. Carp migrations, blobs, spiders, vendor malfunctions etc. Aren't chaos. They aren't really that amusing. They're predictable and annoying to deal with at best (ie: on extended), and at worst, they interrupt actually chaotic or interesting rounds on secret. Security has plenty to do on extended almost every round; it just happens to not involve shooting things most of the time. The crew is always getting up to nonsense. Same goes for Medical; plenty of people get hurt in a given extended round. The roleplay is there for any department if they're willing to generate it. Random events at best generate a fraction of a round's time worth of RP. Half the time they're a nuisance to the people who ARE seeking out RP opportunities/projects. I'm for their removal.
  21. Because they see how hard you try for the title
  22. Several ways this can be implemented, and IMO the more options, the better. -Messing with escape pods -Messing with research shuttle Two of the most obvious options. These can display an automated announcement and, as valk suggested, cause some damage. In these cases I'd prefer if it wasn't limited to JUST an emag; for example, we can probably include swiping an agent ID card as well. This way people aren't shoehorned into needing one tool and are free to spend TC more freely. We could probably also cram an escape item into the uplink, something called in via targetted dropper. Unfortunately this doesn't provide an out for say, vampires and lings. The stealthy ones can leave with the crew, sure, but there's few options for the "loud" ones that inevitably happen. I'm pretty into the idea. As skull said, it's good when these rounds end. Plus ngl I'm kind of sick of the crew going "Well you may have got us BUT the odin/cleanup crew/deus ex machina will get you anyway! So we really win! It's important to me that I argue this point on common radio."
  23. That will need to be something the roboticist should bug report because that's a separate issue from bounties. Also yes, ty Ferner, I cannot believe I forgot that I made that bounty specifically for hydroponicists in the first place. My brain's a marble.
  24. They should be a random spawn in the warehouse. If it's too much to fulfill frequently I can certainly reduce the number. When I reworked them, I could only test so much without actual long-term player feedback. If there are any other impossible bounties that you've noticed let me know.
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